Nira ksheera hamsana and Gita 2.52
Yesterday wonderful thing happened as i was chanting my japa. I was just going thru 'Yan kali rupa' kirtan glorifying Srila Rupa goswami. Here an important aspect is the separation of water from the milk. This is the quality of swans and paramahamsas. Sri Rupa could separate the deepest essence of the sastras/scripture. He could extract the love for divine couple or Radha dasyam from slokas which no other acarya had seen before. There is a similar correlation in gita chapter 2 of this capability. Gita chapter 2 TEXT 52: W hen your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard. One will move away from all the impersonal recommendations, the abheda union of consciousness etc...the various offerings of the vedas and be fixed in the devotional service to yugal. All other things other than yuga sewa is moha - it is a dense forest of delusion to some degrees. Srila Raghun...