
Vishvam, Sahasranaam

Spiritual life is about contemplation. Contemplate the sastras and empower the vijnana kosha . This contemplation can enable one to come in contact with Varenyam vastu the superior substance of the Viswatma sarvaatma.  Sometimes you have to catch the thread among seemingly disjointed thoughts. Please consider the happiness option of service contact with ParaVastu.  Om vishvam vishnur-vashatkaro bhuta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh Bhutakrud bhutabhrud bhavo bhutatma bhuta-bhavanah ..1 The story, the tattvic connection among names of Vishnu in each VishuSahasranaam verse is most imporant. This has to be contemplated. There is a common thread, a benefit, a realization arising from that contemplation which can enhance the person contemplating. That is the promise of the Lord that if you want something one has to glorify the fullness of the quality in the beautiful Lord. The contemplation on the absolute should start from what is visible. That is the first stanza of Vishnu Sahasranaam....

Bande barutaava kaala......Lakshminarayan bhat (NSL)

  Bande.. Baruthava Kaala Bande Baruthava Kaala Mandara Kanasanu Kandantha Manasanu Ondu Maaduva Sneha jaala aa.. Bande Baruthava Kaala Time is sure to come; beautiful dreams seen my the mind; will be satisfied in company of divine friends; yes we can; Great times is sure to come Bande barutaava kaala : This phrase is about never say die spirit. Eternal optimism is important. This is a burning flame which can see thru life and baby steps into eternity. The dreams are realized in web of friendship. Supreme lord is kaala. But he is not controlled by anything othe than selfless love called 'Bhakti'. When one is in this service ego 'sevonmukha bhaava' the supreme descends which means the times of bliss descend into ones heart. Every sadhaka needs this optimism on the journey to eternity. It is said in the Upadesamrta written by famous saint Rupa Goswami in the Caitanya parampara supporting that the optimism is key to enhance yogic love life -  There are six principles favor...

The drill deep

Life is  The completeness is hidden inside the incompleteness on the surface. The incompleteness is what drives procuring things external. The burden and heap of dead tings. its crazy to be proud about dead possessions. Possess life, possess atma, viswatma, sarva vyaapaka living principle. One can possess life of all life thru developing service spirit. The viswatma is pervading in each life and service is worshipping him. just go out and add value by converting your nature, passion into service. The invisible internals should not be corrputed by external indulgence. Grow and gaurd your insides. Stop before the arisen thought goes deeper and like a virus corrupt the all good work done by the mantra in the internals. The annamaya kosha is drilledout or crossed by karma yoga or nishkama karma The pranamaya kpsha is crossed by buddhi yoga The Jnana maya kosha is crossed by getting knowledge of Supreme soul, yajna and service concept Prem as described in Raja yoga is touching the final...


 We are taken thru various experiences in this universe to learn, to assimilate into wisdom and regain prem. Just take the ride keeping the sastras in the background as you tour life. This will generate amrta nectar in your consciousness. Without the background of sastra vaidya, life experience will go waste. Sukha Dukha labha/alabha  - these are the common experiences. The unpleasant ones generate more inner pleasantness. Its the architect of the inner true form.

Nira ksheera hamsana and Gita 2.52

 Yesterday wonderful thing happened as i was chanting my japa. I was just going thru 'Yan kali rupa' kirtan glorifying Srila Rupa goswami. Here an important aspect is the separation of water from the milk. This is the quality of swans and paramahamsas. Sri Rupa could separate the deepest essence of the sastras/scripture. He could extract the love for divine couple or Radha dasyam from slokas which no other acarya had seen before. There is a similar correlation in gita chapter 2 of this capability.  Gita chapter 2  TEXT 52:  W hen your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard. One will move away from all the impersonal recommendations, the abheda union of consciousness etc...the various offerings of the vedas and be fixed in the devotional service to yugal. All other things other than yuga sewa is moha - it is a dense forest of delusion to some degrees. Srila Raghun...

Crescendo and purity

 Sometimes you have to write, but can have a writers block, so what to do? Meditate on the all pervading consciousness to receive inspiration, to glorify the all pervading connecting concept. Just thinking folks.....lets see.....The happiness concept is most important in human life. To understand the fact that happiness is pure nature and once we do off with the layers, the pure being is laid bare and fountain of happiness sprouts for eternity. How to attain this pure being? this is the spiritual process. What is going on in the country? Middle class is financially troubled, the farmers are agitating, india won the test, bunch of elections coming and summer is up in india. Events go on, viswatma being the conductor. This world is truly a orchestra. we are all being played for overall symphony. Country goes on, sports goes on. Novak won the australian open. The inspiration from Gita can be found everywhere because it his vibhuti which is manifesting as special performances.  It...

Gurudeva centennial

 The parallels between Samsara davanala and Sri Guru carana padma Glorifying Gurudeva by taking reference of the standard vaisnava Guru tattva prayers and correlating the various pastimes and teachings which shed further light on the Vaisnava prayers. The Vaisnava acaryas have written kirtans glorifying different manifestation of divinity. There are prayers on Sri Nama tattva, Sri Guru tattva, Sri Vigraha tattva, Prasada tattva, Vaisnava tattva, Rupa, lila and guna tattva. When we glorify the manifest acarya, we have to correlate acaryas specific teachings in reference to shastra and Acharya compiled kirtans. Vaisnava quotes sastra. We dont speak out of our mind but always base our glorification on sastra or teachings of purva acaryas. The manifest acarya is available even after being unmanifest thru the medium of sabda brahman or divine sound. There requires always a medium to communicate with something which is unmanifest 'avyakta'. Vishnu means all pervading invisible divini...