Sunday musings
There are obstacles for every individual plan thats why we need to take shelter of Lord Ganesh Assume Vighnas just like one assumes risk and issues in any project Lord Ganesh gives intelligence to resolve Vighnas Things which make too much noise, action will be meagre Dont get afraid by the noise; People invent various ways to extract money Inner bliss is tough business to achieve the servitude, the submission to guru The 4 ways of dealing with aatatayis, aggressors Kautilya mentioned four Upayas - Sama, Dana or Dama, Danda and Bheda as ways to reach a solution in state politics to avoid conflicts and war situations. [2] This phrase is also commonly used when you need to find a solution to a problem anyhow. 1. Sama, the first step, means conciliation or alliances. When the situation of conflict arises between states, the firsts step is to talk. 2. Dana , the second, means gifts or compensation. Sometimes it is referred to as Dama, price, it means to pay the value. 3. B...