Nakshatra lokakke lagge haaki ...................

Monsoon is out here in bangalore ...........I left early in the evening from office suspecting downpour. I usually have the option of taking either the old Madras-lifestyle-Ashoka pillar-4th block route or the inner ring road-Koramangala-Silkboard route to find every evening nirvana at home. I hugely rely on my intuition to make the decision at the breakaway point. Its this belief in the predictive capability of the subconsious faculty. Somewhere a hidden inner energy guides us, hints us about the right choices. As it is we have complex innumerable possibilities, with our finite resources has to be supplemented by tuning in to the inner voice - the voice of the infinite. Its simple when the mental faculty is in alignment with the inner voice. The test of faith comes when it is in crossroads with the innervoice. Everybody at some point in their life have to make this leap of faith in investing and acting on the innervoice. Faith and immense belief in the innervoice takes one to unknown possibilities in the inner journey, the satisfaction derived by reaching the inner self.
As i approached KH road rain intensified. With most 2 wheelers off road, i found the drive comfortable, with only the wiper sound in between me and my full enjoyment of FM music. 'Aakasha ishte yaakadiyooo?' Our Golden star was shouting in full throttle - all for wanting to become free like a kite. One has to defeat the law of marginal utility wrt film music by constant reinvention in frame of reference. After hitting saturation wrt original mood of the song, i apply the Bhagavad Gita frame of reference and reinforce some of my Lord's teachings. Well intentioned lyrics like that of TZP trigger the remembrance and unique insight into various slokas of the Gita. The juice is in the technique of correlation, which can enable one to extract Bhakti rasa from a song originally designed for Srngara rasa.
Management topics is the other frame of reference. 'Aakasha ishte yaakadiyooo?' - It is the qustioning attitude which is crucial to Innovation. (Why cant this be something more?something better?)Innovator has an attitude of questioning the status quo. He senses difficulty in things 'ee bhoomi kashta aagideyo'. An innovator always aims at the stars ('Nakshatra lokakke laggel haki haro naave Gaalipata')
A spiritualist is also like a Innovator. Only the difference is he questions things much more fundamental than a world class innovator. A spiritualist questions the basic riddles of Life like 'Death' 'Old age' etc. Why death? Why cant i be eternal? Why cant i be in ecstacy always? Why should i work? Why the struggle for existance? Such a spiritualist is guided by the inner voice to much more wonderful solutions in transcendence - he shreds of his attachment to matter and flies away in to the spiritual skies ...............................
Folks finally its all in what our Golden star sings 'Nannii na na naii' in the blockbuster Gaalipata .........


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