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The Journey from Object to Existence: Regaining Pure Being for Brahma Saukhyam

The Journey from Object to Existence: Regaining Pure Being for Brahma Saukhyam In the pursuit of happiness, modern society is often ensnared by the lure of vishaya—the sensory objects and events that seem to promise fulfillment. This objectification of happiness, however, limits us, tethering the self to transient forms, actions, and materiality. True happiness—ananda—is not an object to be grasped or a fleeting event to be pursued. Instead, it is rooted in the essence of sattvam, the pure and illuminated state of being that reflects our innate connection to the infinite, to Brahman. Hegel, in his profound analysis of consciousness and freedom, speaks of the journey from dependence on externalities toward absolute self-awareness. The soul, in its development, begins by projecting itself onto objects—finding itself in what is “other”—whether it be in material possessions, achievements, or relationships. But this mode of existence is inherently limited, for the object is impermanent, sub