
Showing posts with the label brahman

Transcending the Three Modes through Devotional Service: The Power of Bhakti Yoga

 Transcending the Three Modes through Devotional Service: The Power of Bhakti Yoga In the realm of spiritual practice, the concept of the impersonal Brahman—characterized by no form, love, or relationships, and devoid of rasa (taste)—is often contrasted with the personal experience of the Supreme in Bhakti Yoga. The intrinsic bliss of the impersonal Brahman is often seen as static, whereas the interactive bliss found in devotional service (bhakti) combines both intrinsic and interactive elements, leading to a more dynamic and fulfilling spiritual experience. **Understanding the Three Modes of Material Nature** The Bhagavad Gita elucidates the three modes of material nature (gunas)—sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance)—which influence human behavior and consciousness. While practices rooted in sattva guna can elevate one to a state of calmness and clarity, they are still within the bounds of material nature. Non-devotional yoga and other spiritual practices that alig

transcendence during travel

Travel to Finland was cold. It was via Dubai to Helsinki. Business travel and all that stuff but anyway everything is a learning opportunity. Every moment in this world affords a inner growth opportunity. All is anyway a covering over brahman. Travel over flights are also deep meditation opportunities. Just close eyes chant mantras and meditate. Meditation at one level is just to close eyes and observe what thought patterns arise in mind. As you observe they stop and a ray of light from soul can touch if fortunate. So anyway it's good to not look into inflight entertainment but get entertained by observing one's own thoughts. It's therapeutic, believe me. Isn't a great time to introspect, self reflect? The flight connections, long wait sometime, poorly managed low quality flights all are part of the game. The in-flight announcement, the turbulence, the cramped cattle class experience. Anyway traverse the contours of your inner being folks. Kirtan is an amazing techniqu

Sabda Brahman

Sabda Brahma is vibrated by Sri Guru. This baton of vibrating sabda Brahman is transferred from guru to disciple in the parampara. Real seeker of spiritual perfection will always try to find out where this sabda brahma is vibrated and try to drink it by one’s ears. The tongue followed by ears are the initiators of transcendence. As Srila Rupa Goswami has pointed out ‘Sevon muke hi Jihva adau’ – Understanding Sri Krishna begins by engaging the tongue in service of the Lord by vibrating his Nama. The refinement of chanting occurs by the increased hearing of sabda Brahman by the chanter. It is not possible to reach the stage of Suddha Nama or pure chanting without sufficiently hearing sabda Brahman. Nama and Nami are non different in the case of Suddha Nama. Similarly Pure Harikatha is non different from the incident(Lila) itself. Any Harikatha incident has Bhagavan, Bhakta and Bhakti which is emanating from the hearts of the Bhakta. Hence the sincere hearer associates with the heart of