Sabda Brahman

Sabda Brahma is vibrated by Sri Guru. This baton of vibrating sabda Brahman is transferred from guru to disciple in the parampara. Real seeker of spiritual perfection will always try to find out where this sabda brahma is vibrated and try to drink it by one’s ears. The tongue followed by ears are the initiators of transcendence. As Srila Rupa Goswami has pointed out ‘Sevon muke hi Jihva adau’ – Understanding Sri Krishna begins by engaging the tongue in service of the Lord by vibrating his Nama. The refinement of chanting occurs by the increased hearing of sabda Brahman by the chanter. It is not possible to reach the stage of Suddha Nama or pure chanting without sufficiently hearing sabda Brahman. Nama and Nami are non different in the case of Suddha Nama. Similarly Pure Harikatha is non different from the incident(Lila) itself. Any Harikatha incident has Bhagavan, Bhakta and Bhakti which is emanating from the hearts of the Bhakta. Hence the sincere hearer associates with the heart of the perfected bhaktas narrated in the katha. Suppose Prahlada caritra is being narrated. The hearers will have the benefit of directly associating with Prahlad’s mood of surrender and service when the Harikatha vachak is pure.  There is a very interesting incident involving Sri Kulashekar Alwar – one of the prominent saints in the Ramanuja sampradaya. One day he was listening to the Sita apaharana – kidnapping of Sita devi  incident from the Ramayana. Because of the purity of the speaker(kirtaniya) and hearer(Sravana dasa) the incident manifested as reality in the assembly of the katha. The king ordered his senapati to make the army ready to fight Ravana. He lifted his mace and got ready for the fight. There are many instances like this where people are able to enter spiritual world thru the medium of Harikatha. Once a seeker comes in contact with pure katha, he loses interest in material existence. Because of the touch of vaikuntha he gets to feel Satchitananda existence and no attainment in this world can compare to the experience of satchitananda.


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