
Showing posts with the label satchitananda

Festivals and energy

Sanatana dharma festivals have impact in all living dimensions We live in - physical, mental, intellectual, emotional, imaginative, spiritual dimensions Some dimension will be more prevalent active at different time of the day All will be operating but one dimension will dominate, hope you all agree Festivals uplift all dimensions of life There is a primary object which is central core to any festival For example til sesame in Sankranti, Lamp in Diwali One has to become extremely inquisitive on this specific food substances or worship substances recommended during festivals. Analyse the energy emission from these and on specific days of festivals and how it will benefit our overall wellbeing by absorbing the same All subsidiary energies push one towards getting drenched in the rain of satchitananda

Another world

Existance of another world and we really belong there than here. The world of suffering, anxiety, unpredicatability. Is it just escapism and hallucination about a world of God where the supreme Hero Lord Sri Krishna rules? or is there such a reality? Whom to believe? Whom to trust? Our ideal ambition should be to achieve Sat-Chit-ananda. The universal energy assists one in achieving whatever goal one has. So we will be treading the right path when we have to right goal. To decide the right goal - as expansive and as ideal as ever - which has all other goals as subsets. Can such a goal be possible? Yes - Sat-chit-ananda is such a goal. Dont have means as your goals - but the goal has to be a core need - a fundamental need thru which everything else will be satisified - attaining which there will be no more to attain - Friends - Sat-chit-ananda is such a goal. We are in a hopeless situation - we dont know what we really need. Scriptures say that Krishna Bhakti is what we as a minute unit...