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आत्मन् आनन्द: | Ātman Ānandaḥ> The Self is Bliss

In the tapestry of existence, happiness weaves an intricate pattern, often misunderstood as external adornment. Yet, the *rishis* of old whispered a profound truth: joy dwells within, an eternal *prakasha* illuminating our core. This inner luminescence, they taught, is none other than Sri Krishna, the very *atman* of our being. When elation visits, resist the urge to attribute it to worldly causes. Instead, practice *pratyahara*, withdrawing senses inward to connect with the *ananda* that needs no reason. This *nityasukham*, or perpetual bliss, is the very nature of the soul, an inexhaustible wellspring of *santosh*. The *Taittiriya Upanishad* boldly declares that even sensory pleasures are but reflections of the *atman's* inherent bliss. By dwelling in this inner *ananda*, we tap into a reservoir of joy that transcends the ephemeral, anchoring ourselves in the timeless *brahman* that is our true essence.