
Showing posts with the label vaikuntha

vaikunthah purushah praanah

  vaikunthah purushah praanah praanadah pranavah prithuh hiranyagarbhah satrughno vyaapto vaayuradhokshajah. Vaikuntha and shtarughno are sort of related kuntha can also be interpreted as shatro vai and ghna the cancelling verbs sort of a abhaya pradana, reinforcement of his path clearing function I kill shatru everywhere because iam vyapta like vayu but unseen now to your eyes but when need comes i manifest from anywhere like kambha narasimha - you have your example where there is no anxiety and fear Is there such a platform of life? Brahma bhuta prasannatma It is only in the lotus feet of the Purusha The praana comes from his lotus feet When connected to him we can offer prana to others He is available freely thru Pranava sound he is vyapta thru pranava Even though vyapta he is invisible adhokshaja but thru pranava something is possible the invisible adhoksaja pumps prana sakti Being very broad he incarnated via prthu maharaj to teach how to interact with the earth earth became p...

Gopi Gita, How to create abundance at home?

Invite Abundance Through Krishna Katha If you desire true abundance, let Krishna take birth in your home through sankirtana—the collective glorification of His names and pastimes. When you engage in Krishna katha and bodhayantah parasparam (discuss Him with others), your house becomes more glorious than Vaikuntha, attracting Lakshmi (Indira), who takes permanent shelter (āśraya), bringing endless prosperity (śrīmad). The first verse of the Gopi Gita states: "Jayati te'dhikam janmanā vrajaḥ" ("Your birth in Vraja has made it glorious.") By discussing Krishna, your search for worldly desires ends, replaced by an unending yearning for Him. Start today and experience divine fulfillment.

Sabda Brahman

Sabda Brahma is vibrated by Sri Guru. This baton of vibrating sabda Brahman is transferred from guru to disciple in the parampara. Real seeker of spiritual perfection will always try to find out where this sabda brahma is vibrated and try to drink it by one’s ears. The tongue followed by ears are the initiators of transcendence. As Srila Rupa Goswami has pointed out ‘Sevon muke hi Jihva adau’ – Understanding Sri Krishna begins by engaging the tongue in service of the Lord by vibrating his Nama. The refinement of chanting occurs by the increased hearing of sabda Brahman by the chanter. It is not possible to reach the stage of Suddha Nama or pure chanting without sufficiently hearing sabda Brahman. Nama and Nami are non different in the case of Suddha Nama. Similarly Pure Harikatha is non different from the incident(Lila) itself. Any Harikatha incident has Bhagavan, Bhakta and Bhakti which is emanating from the hearts of the Bhakta. Hence the sincere hearer associates with the heart of ...