
Showing posts with the label mohini

"Breaking Free: How 'I and Mine' Traps You in Illusion, and Krishna Sets You Free"

अहम्‌ मम भावः मोहिनी प्रकृतिः, कृष्णस्य भावः दैवी प्रकृतिः The "I and mine" feeling (अहम्‌ मम भावः) is rooted in the ego, which draws one into the illusionary energy, or Mohini Prakriti. This energy binds us to worldly attachments, desires, and the illusion of separateness from the Divine. In contrast, the feeling of "by and of Krishna" (कृष्णस्य भावः) awakens the Daivi Prakriti—the divine nature. When we see ourselves as instruments of Krishna’s will, ego dissolves, and the heart becomes aligned with divine love. This shift uplifts consciousness, pulling it away from material entanglements and anchoring it in surrender, service, and devotion to the Supreme.