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*The Unity in love of Atman and Brahman in Hindu Philosophy*

 *The Unity of Atman and Brahman in Hindu Philosophy* In Hindu philosophy, the concept of 'Atman' refers to the inner self or soul, believed to be the essence of an individual. It is considered eternal and is seen as the true identity beyond the physical form. The term 'Jiva' represents the individual soul that embodies the life force in living beings. 'Parabrahman' is the supreme, unchanging reality, often associated with Sri Krishna, who is revered as the ultimate reality in many traditions. The idea that Atman is Parabrahman suggests a fundamental unity between the individual soul and the universal spirit. This unity is beautifully illustrated in the divine play, or 'Lila', of Radha and Krishna, symbolizing the duality of existence as the enjoyer and the enjoyed. The philosophy encourages the realization that we are not separate from the divine essence; rather, we are an integral part of it, participating in the cosmic drama of existence. This perspec