Beauty and the Beast
Life is a combination of beauty and the beast All are born beasts to different extent Inner beauty has to be churned to shine Churning of Consciousness Divine Sound a churning rod of consciousness Churning time is limited, falling like the petals of rose Curses have a long term vision to take towards ultimate bliss Enbrace curse; tat te anukampam Pure consciousness - a consciousness of love Belle the Guru, Gaston the kali chela Belles father - the vartma pradarsakah Guru at the doorstep, the castle of the beast Transformation of the beast thru association of Belle When love matures, the external beastly coverings are melted and beauty of siddha deha is manifested; The maturity of love is thru books - the books of guru is close to the heart - appreciating and discussing and adopting in life - Love strikes - Gurus mercy flows As the mercy wave touches, the beastly covering melts away - a loving self evolves, joy becomes an assset, service and care the external World is ...