
Showing posts from October, 2021


 Broken - when things get out of rhythm Arjuna was broken but beautiful All of us maybe broken but beautiful inside; thats why Lord has hope in our beauty That beauty is because we are his creation; mamaivamso What are the words used in Gita for broken? Arjuna was broken Mouth drying up; soka samvigna manasah Arjuna blooms his beauty because of employing swadharma in the service of the Lord Only when you identify yourself with inifinite that you will again start feeling complete 'Poorna' Identity is very closely related with suprasidati complete bliss My serving the invisible infinite, one can again start feeling complete, wholesome bliss But one has to serve with ones swadharma  because only swadharma flows causelessly and without break, interrruption That which one cannot stop doing is ones dharma Sandhaata Sandhiman -> such beauty, the infinite always is of binding nature; establishes connect; always joining entities like he went for Krishna sandhaana;  Dont worry, ...

Candy sweet

Candy appears innocent but evil takes shelter of something innocent and simple manytimes According to Gita, one needs to be careful of something simple and sweet like a candy. Because what is sweet and easily available is poison and what is immediately poison is nectar. everything is reverse in this world, dont trust the mind especially that which is glitzy to the senses yat tad agre viṣham iva pariṇāme ‘mṛitopamam tat sukhaṁ sāttvikaṁ proktam ātma-buddhi-prasāda-jam That which seems like poison at first, but tastes like nectar in the end, is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness. It is generated by the pure intellect that is situated in self-knowledge. anyachchhreyo ’nyadutaiva preyaste ubhe nānārthe puruṣhaṁ sinītaḥ tayoḥ śhreya ādadānasya sādhu bhavati hīyate ’rthādya u preyo vṛiṇīte śhreyaśhcha preyaśhcha manuṣhyametastau samparītya vivinakti dhīraḥ śhreyo hi dhīro ’bhi preyaso vṛiṇīte preyo mando yogakṣhemād vṛinīte (1.2.1-2)[v21] ”There are two paths—one is the ‘beneficial...

grave meditation

Grave meditation All dreams whether achieved or not achieved will be reset, become zero at death Death is inevitable reality which makes everything meaningless Every achievement becomes meaningless The only activities which are worth are those which nourishes our eternal aspect of self We are busy pampering to the temporal self entire duration Whereas its about giving shape to eternal self and eternal occupation Build foundation and architect ones eternal self and occupation Just like waves on a beach destroy sand structures; build something permanent indestructible by the waves of time To build this indestructible thing, the best companion is the Mahamantra The sound can build the self and its ocupation But we need to support and assist the mind transformation into universality and service ----------------------------------

Scenes of Life

Scene is a potpourri of various layers to generate rasa There are rasa chunks and then there is wholistic essence of a scene There are connections from scene to scene - Sutre mani ganiava A sutradhaara is needed to connect scenes  Those individual scenes rasa mix together when bound by sutra to generate overall rasa Nobody escapes Life is about scenes Dont create conceptualise scenen of sense enjoyment and self as Lord of all one surveys Wellbeing is about inner generated bliss On what conditions can inner bliss generate? A pure mind, a good faith of presence of bliss On what conditions bliss gets uncovered Mind generates scenes and background covering bliss of the moment It is bhranti - Mind is a bhranti producing machine, disbelieve it  Souls light has to be reflected on screen of mind This can happen only when moind becomes silent (no thoughts, no identies, no plans, be in present, no future/past thoughts) A scene has: Characters and personalities Dialogues and conversation...

Our common final destination

  ನಾ ಹೊರಟರು ಎಲ್ಲಿಗೆ ತಲುಪೋ ತಾಣ ನಿನ್ನಲ್ಲಿದೆ.. Wherever we may try to go but the final destination to reach is 'Him' the tat vastu You are the shelter, support - 'O viswatma' In kaliyuga we are used to take many detours and pretend to never reach the destination The distractions are many hence the detours But have sound as companion The sound of the flute, om, Hare krishna mahamantra Its the clarion call to correct the way Mantra is the google map of spiritual reach the taana or the bank after navigating in oceans of samsara Have companions of satasanga on the path