Scenes of Life
Scene is a potpourri of various layers to generate rasa
There are rasa chunks and then there is wholistic essence of a scene
There are connections from scene to scene - Sutre mani ganiava
A sutradhaara is needed to connect scenes
Those individual scenes rasa mix together when bound by sutra to generate overall rasa
Nobody escapes
Life is about scenes
Dont create conceptualise scenen of sense enjoyment and self as Lord of all one surveys
Wellbeing is about inner generated bliss
On what conditions can inner bliss generate?
A pure mind, a good faith of presence of bliss
On what conditions bliss gets uncovered
Mind generates scenes and background covering bliss of the moment
It is bhranti - Mind is a bhranti producing machine, disbelieve it
Souls light has to be reflected on screen of mind
This can happen only when moind becomes silent (no thoughts, no identies, no plans, be in present, no future/past thoughts)
A scene has:
Characters and personalities
Dialogues and conversation
Emoting; bhava - facial expressions and dialogue modulation
costumes and background
Sound audio music
actions verbs
All above has to generate rasa