
Showing posts from March, 2022


  aprakāśo ’pravṛttiś ca pramādo moha eva ca tamasy etāni jāyante vivṛddhe kuru-nandana When there is an increase in the mode of ignorance(tamas), O son of Kuru, darkness(aprakasho), inertia(apravrtti), madness(pramado) and illusion(moha) are manifested. When there is no illumination, knowledge is absent.   what is the source of illumination, source of light self and superself are the sources of light, guru vaisnava is source of illumination When in touch with sattva, there is a feeling of inner illumination. To aspire and come in touch is important in life. We are mostly floating in rajas or passion which is mostly material ambition and actions to satisfy the same. Svadharma and yajna will propel one from rajas to sattva One in the mode of ignorance does not work by a regulative principle ; routine is important in life Absence of routine attracts mode of ignorance eating sleeping and various daily activities should be guided by regulative principle Whimsical routine is not ad...