
How to achieve yoga with supreme self?

Goal of life.....adhyatma - the all pervading self - integration with The invisible all pervading self is manifested in panca bhutas it seeks out thru the pancha bhutas In rivers Holy rivers, In earth the dhamas, Fire the yajna, Sound thru sastras Naada In plants Tulasi asvattha etc.... Meditate and do pranayama - empty mind can perceive the self Self can perceive itself from a silent mind Service is yoga, Yoga can only be by dharma When the soul operates in paro dharma, it achieves yoga with supreme Forget about yourself and focus on supreme self The more one is occupied with ones own happiness, worries, needs, health etc....more one becomes material When one is sick one becomes local since focus on body increases In svasthya, one completely forgets body and can think of supreme self

Pain and writing

When in pain you write Writing is soothing, therapeutic Writing helps in expressing yourself Its sort of free flow writing, no frills Dont worry about grammar, structure etc..... There is something called internal wound The wound in thoughts, emotions The wound of unfulfilled desires A desire is a open cut wound It waits for balm, for fulfilment Sabko jaana hi hain Its just matter of time Why we value other peoples opinions so much? Bindaas raho Stop the mind; thoughtless state is nirvana A piece of information from outside related to ones desire being satisfied in other leads to envy But the root is moha of the desire The desire doesnt lead to fufilment Any worldly desire doesnt lead to fulfilment Dont create new cut wounds to become unsatisfied When a desire arises, dissatisfaction starts urge to act, passion etc..... Bharlo sab ghaavon ko - bliss me naacho Na dhanam, na janam, na sundarim, kavitam says Mahaprabhu the 4 categories of desires is there a way to close the desire without...

Empress and Krishnas plight in Dwaraka

Inspired by Empress, a new series on netflix which shows the complex rituals and court politics of royalty and how it curbs the free spirit of a young woman If he loved Radha He could have called her To the royalty of Dwaraka But never did Hints into transcendent diverge worlds Vrindavan and Dwarka The free spirited spontaneity of Sri Radha The carefree forests of vrindavan Both will be suffocated That explains krishnas cry and suffocation He sacrificed for all of us To establish Dharma and show us the way


The rope of the ratha Symbolic of bondage of love The desire of the lord of Dwaraka Wanting hankering for the rope of love Of cowherds vrajavasis in vrindavan  When you hold the rope to pull You become unbound by ropes of illusion Why is illusion strong? Because of entwining of 3 ropes Sattva rajas tamas We can be unbound of ropes of illusion By bonding the lord to goddess of absolute love Sri Radha Sri Radha Sri Radha 


 Its life Everyday struggle navigating thru conflicts Swimming in the waves to stay afloat Where is the shelter? Where is the resort? The adhyatma, all pervading universal spirit trying to connect is a practice Go to a new area Pickup the laddle churn for ideas in spirit domain And write to manifest The world evolves continuously, 'jagat' Technology evolves and roadmaps exist Its in movement, flow Providing a so called better experience Technology is evolving at frenetic pace keeping pace is mental misery and unhappiness depression on the rise, so are suicides Its a paradox What about technology of bliss? We are squeezing material energy Which is fashionably called RD or technology its very fashionable these days Harness new laws of material energy Physics is discovering Engineering is harnessing The senses are finally titillated Swasthya to be attained the inner completeness the inner contentment As nature, independent of externals This higher mode of poorna astitva is possibl...

Indradyumna and Lord jagannath

Conflict created by same goals which is - intense affection for God tussle between 2 rasikas How the supreme manages his lovers? 'Lokas tu lila kaivalyam' How many devotees get involved in the play 'the lila'? King Indradyumna, Queen Gundicha and Vidyapati Viswavasu, Lalita, Nila Madhav, rohini Kunda Kakabhushandi, Lord Brahma, Gala Madhava The time travel of King Indradyumna The bhavamayi sewa with mamta of Viswavasu The determination of Vidyapati The laulyam of King and Queen The crisis point in the 'Daru Brahma' lila When Vidyapati is imprisoned by Viswavasu Lalita is again the crisis manager All glories to affection of father to daughter The appearance as log of wood so heavy no one able to lift unknown are the play of the Lord washed away by the waves 'daru brahma'  Reached the shores at chakra tirtha Waiting with Brahmaji carried in golden ratha vidyapati, viswavasu, lalita The favour to Gundicha for her passionate loving service with intense attac...

Fire, a great pancabhuta

 Fire is pointing in upward direction (davanala) Fire gives heat (Samsara always supplies heat) Samsara supplies 3 kinds of heat - adibhuta, family and friends give heat; adidaiva, nature gives heat int erms of environmental impact and pandemics; adibhuta, our mind body gives heat thru diseases and other emotions, feelings Finally all heat is due to uncultured mind Mind has to be cultured by hearing, analyzing and application of sastras Most important function of mind is world view The knowledge embraced by the mind decides the world view If world view is wrong, it generates unwanted emotions Mind stops when right world view is architected then there is continuous touch with bliss of soul Both these properties indicate that fire of problems obstacle we face take us upward, closeness to god Receive welcome heat, redirect that heat to burn sins and internal toxins and glow in bliss