Friday Musings

[ Friday musings is a new venture as part of innervoice. Basically a fictional work involving 5 techies Uddhav, Madhav, Kesav, Syama, Vidya - These five are
passionate about Vedic culture, heritage and have formed club called 'Chintane'. They meet Friday evenings to share their insights and synergise in
Spiritual realisation. The innervoice series will capture the conversation snippets of the Chintane club's Friday musings]

Vidya exclaimed -"Whats so great about Mungaru male lyrics? Lots of indirect nature comparisons etc, I like this cool rap kind of music, keep
It simple is my mantra"
" I disagree here, one has to be living beyond gross to have these ehtereal music touch ones inner self" uttered the philosophical bespectacled Uddhav
It was Friday evening. FM Radio music was blaring in the background, The conversation was happening at the corner of the cafetaria in one of the top multinational IT
Companies. The group of 5 techies never missed to meet on Friday evening to exchange thoughts on fine music and culture. It was heartening to see these
scientific minds applying rational thought on everything traditional. Their passion - 'To make sense out of ancient India's tradition, spiritual culture and huge body of vedic literatures'. Almost all of them were practising spiritualists quite fixed in their inner journey towards infinite and eternity.
Vidya did not belong to the group - She was Uddhav's project mate and had come to just have some caffiene kick to sustain her upcoming long hours that weekend, unaware of the serious contemplation the group indulges every Friday evening. At times when she all by herself she used to get deep
enquiries about purpose of existance and wonder what this world is all about.
" To be human means to be aware of the three layers of existance - the gross bodily layer, the ethereal layer and the real spiritual self" quipped Kesav, practicing musician who strongly believed that classical music will take him beyond the realms of matter
Madhav who was till now silent jumped into the conversation - "Recently I read in the Gita where Sri Krishna speaks of this multilayered existance and the layers are
governed by the 3 modes of material nature. Does constant remembrance of Sri Krishna and his activities help one cross the modes?"
Madhav believed in the utility of vedic culture and wanted to unleash wide spread revolution in society based on vedic thought.
Syama the silent girl who believed in the combination of Bhakti and vedanta said "But Mungare male cannot reach the spiritual self, infact it causes a blocking at the
etheral layer, Only songs glorifying the activities and the love interaction with the Absolute truth can touch and nourish the spiritual self - You see those chanters
in pilgrimage places, they never get tired of repeating the same mantra vibration. Whereas Mungare male gets saturated and one cannot extract the same rasa
after 'n' number of hearings"
Vidya responded to Syama's argument - " Ya folks, I remember once of feeling increasing joy of hearing dasara padagalu, maybe spiritual songs are of that
character, one cannot have enough of it - "anandambudhi vardhanam" which is the opposite of marginal utility experience of material senses"
Uddhav said "I have heard about this Law of Marginal utility, I think we had a paper in Managerial economics in final year engineering. It was demonstrated using an example of a tea cup - that the taste utility of a tea cup goes on decreasing on repeated consumption - hence it has an impact on decreasing price - Sri Krishna is generalising this to all sensual experience and utility of a sense object in decreasing contribution towards giving pleasure"
Madhav reminded the group - "Its almost 6PM folks, lets hurry for the company shuttle - see all of you back next Friday for a much deeper discussion on
Profile of senses. What is addiction? Is there any correlation with the Marginal utility discussion we have been having? - Have great weekend buddies!"
Vidya felt a deep sense of attraction for the kind of conversation and made up her mind to join the Chintane club …………………………………...


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