Bombs, scares and religion

Last week we saw lots of bombs and bomb scares across Indian cities. Enviousness or misplaced religious ideologies are the heart of such destructive actions.
Religious identity has lead to perpetration of violence. How do religion and spirituality differ? Are these the same things? Spirituality is the essence, the core and religion the vehicle. The inherent essence of spirituality is same across all religions - only the body, the vehicle carrying this essence varies. Its like using a Tata safari or Scorpio to come to office. The essence is traveling and one need not get fanatic about belonging to a safari or a Scorpio club. Today's civilization has totally forgotten the essence and carrying on a specific set of meaningless rituals, customs in the name of religion.
We all sometime or the other have taken pleasure in thinking ourselves superior to others. Religious identity is used as a tool to enjoy the kick of feeling superior to others. But spirituality teaches us to be humble, to consider oneself lower than the lowest and embrace the attitude of service. There is a superior joy in service than in enjoyment. 'Service spirit' and 'humility' are the backbone of Spirituality. Present day Hinduism is also losing relevance due to attachment to religious externals rather than spiritual essence of sanatana dharma. How do we refocus on spirituality inherent in Hinduism? Thru power of questions and reasoning one has to deliberate the scientific basis of various rituals and how it nurtures inner spirituality. Many times we ask the question 'Why' and not see answers to them. Our parental generation failed to explain the philosophical and logical framework of sanatana dharma - that does not mean it is a portfolio of blind beliefs. There is a wonderful world of sanatana dharma to be discovered and relished. Empowered with the power of reasoning, one has to seek answers till one gets a model framework which explains the rituals and the riddles leading to a valid goal.
Atahato Brahma Jijnaasa!!!!!


I totally agree with your views. It looks like world is heading towards destruction with this kind of beiefs and thought process.

We humans have created complex mess for ourselves with rat race for every material pleasure.

Day by day we hear horrible things happening around the world. It is total degradation of human belief system and human mind set. Only solution visibe is this machine has to be reset and start all over again.

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