Capitalism and Poor monsoon

Over the last month in all major newspapers and news channels we have been hearing of poor monsoons this year in India. The northwest India including the states of Punjab and Haryana are most affected by this. Are we in control of rains? Can we with all the pride in science control monsoons or are we still at nature's mercy? The latter is the unfortunate answer. The phenomenon of how rains are caused is understood but when special causes of variation disturb this cycle, Humanity is not able to fix them. Do we lack a wholistic understanding of the whole universe as a system of interconnected components and phenomenon? Science understanding of the universe and allopathy's understanding of human body is very similar. Allopathy is aplying havoc in the human body just like Industrial revolution has played havoc with natural systems in the universe. An example of allopathy's follies is that when one takes antibiotics for curing bacterial infection, it destoys the positive bacteria in the intestine needed for absorption of nutrients. Similarly paracetemol which is a fever reducer causes liver toxins and can even go the extent of damaging the liver. Excessive explotitation of natural resources has led to green house effect and global warming. Oil exploration, mining of iron ore and other minerals all for sustaining artficial stressful life in big cities. The cutting of wood to make paper, and house construction. Artificial urban life has led to increased need of refrigeration and trade of food beyond the local area. When food needs to transported and stored for days together, refrigeration is utmost necessity. Refrigeration release CFC and damages the ozone layer leading to global warming and acid rains. The design of the universe favors agrarian economy. The goal of the universe is to enable emancipation of the consciosuness from the cage of the body. This requires not to increase necessities of the body. The universe discourages artificial increase in bodily luxury. A minimalistic life style with engaging most time in spiritual pursuit of disentaglement of consciousness. The nature system is so designed to cater the basic necessities of water food shelter to all living beings. The capitalist mentality of increasing growth and maximising profits is leading to breakdown in nature systems. The root cause of all this is a total wrong understanding of what makes one happy? Happiness is in consciousness and not in supplying more refined objects to the senses. When the pivot becomes sensual happiness, industries are developed to cater to those needs. There will always be dynamic progress in human society. If the motivation for progress is not internally directed towards consciosuness and spiritual progress, we land up in similar to the present situation of environmental degradation. The entire intellectual energy focus is towards the external environment, to exploit more and more to better human life on the bodily plane!!!!!
Time to do a rethink and for humanity to focus on internal growth and tolerate external urges!!!!


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