Reverse Engineering of Love
All of us have the experience of being in love. When in love, one wants to hear about our beloved(Sravanam), remember them(smaranam) or speak about beloved's qualities with our confidants(kirtanam). Almost everyday I come back from work, I ask my wife to narrate my daughter's activities for the day. Daughters are very dear to the Fathers and they take pleasure even in the trivia. In love, trivia brings in so much ananda. Even when I was in Munich on a business trip, I would get my daily dosage of my daughter's activities...........
Now take this concept of love to a higher level, the soul's love for Sri Krishna. He is the beloved for all souls and hence all his minute activities of his various excursions to this planet are documented in the texts like Bhagavatha. Now most souls of this world are wandering forgetting their beloved, heart of hearts - Sri Krishna. The process of Bhakti yoga recommends to hear, remember and chant the activities of Sri Krishna. These activities of sravana, smarana, kirtana even though performed without taste in the beginning, over time the soul's lost love is recovered and it starts floating in the divine love.
This is the Lord's central message in the Gita - chant, remember and hear about my glorious activities as a sadhana thru the process of reverse engineering of Love (Bhakti yoga), then gradually you will find me as your beloved....................then the treacherous life in this planet comes to a halt, we becoming a member of the land of love - Vrindavan
Why the word reverse engieering is used? If love leads to spontaneous hearing, chanting and remembering about our beloved, can the activities hearing, chanting and remembering lead to Love - this is Bhakti yoga!!!!
Now take this concept of love to a higher level, the soul's love for Sri Krishna. He is the beloved for all souls and hence all his minute activities of his various excursions to this planet are documented in the texts like Bhagavatha. Now most souls of this world are wandering forgetting their beloved, heart of hearts - Sri Krishna. The process of Bhakti yoga recommends to hear, remember and chant the activities of Sri Krishna. These activities of sravana, smarana, kirtana even though performed without taste in the beginning, over time the soul's lost love is recovered and it starts floating in the divine love.
This is the Lord's central message in the Gita - chant, remember and hear about my glorious activities as a sadhana thru the process of reverse engineering of Love (Bhakti yoga), then gradually you will find me as your beloved....................then the treacherous life in this planet comes to a halt, we becoming a member of the land of love - Vrindavan
Why the word reverse engieering is used? If love leads to spontaneous hearing, chanting and remembering about our beloved, can the activities hearing, chanting and remembering lead to Love - this is Bhakti yoga!!!!