Avatar the movie and Bhagavad Gita

Viewing James cameron's Avatar on 3D is an amazing experience. The fact of building an alter ego which is fit to live among the Navi community and being able to control that with the present human body is an amazing concept. It all started with the matrix series where you could enter the matrix using a similar setup. What is building an alter ego? Is it giving rise to another individual to satisfy unsatiated desires, which is possible in the alter ego. Websites like 'Secondlife.com' is a very poor version of the alterego
- a digital alter ego. But the concept in Avatar takes it to the next level, in the sense that there is a separate physical identity which is controlled by the nervous system of the existing human being.
The vedas have an amazing process for developing the alter ego. But in this case, after a certain growth and maturity the alter ego takes over and the existing ego is totally destroyed or diluted. This is a evolutionary process and the time depends on the commitment and intensity of spiritual practices by the practitioner. The alter ego is supposed to be fit to live in the spiritual atmosphere. Technically this process is called the 'Diksha' and 'Shiksha' process. The 'Diksha' process is like giving birth to the spiritual alter ego, the future real ego. Ofcouse we know that to give birth we always need a male and female interaction. In this case, the Guru becomes the father and Gayathri becomes the 'Veda maata'. They concieve the spiritual alter ego. The spiritual child is nourished by the process of Shiksha. Shiksha process primarily involves the chanting of various Gayathri and Hare Krishna mahamantras given by the Guru. The mantras provide nourishment to the spiritual child and gradually matures him into an adult. It is very similar to parenting process which nourishes the child and evolves him to youth and adulthood. Who is a Guru? Guru is the one who has a evolved spiritual alterego, so much so that he does not retain any trace of worldly ego. His spiritual alterego has become his real ego now. Only such a person can concieve the seed of spiritual ego in another person.
Similar to Pandora in the movie 'avatar', Sri Krishna talks of his spiritual abode in the Bhagavad Gita and also provides the process to become fit to enter his abode. The promise of perfect living(free from birth,death,oldage,disease,future-past paradigm) is described by Sri Krishna. The central concept is that the spiritual ego in contrary to the 'human ego' is always a service ego which does not know anything about consumption. Divine love towards the supreme being needs a perfect service ego and cultivation of a service oriented spiritual ego is of paramount necessity for humans inorder to find perfect peace and happiness.


Anonymous said…
Interesting blog post. Both Matrix and Avatar films have based on philosophy of Vedas, and Bhagvat gita. I think having Avatar is like having another material body where spirit can leave and re-enter two material bodies in the same incarnation which seems impossible. So it has be maya or alter ego controlled by the consciousness.