Japan Nuclear disaster, Anna Hazare, corrpution
The nuclear disaster in Japan has reached to Chernobyl levels. It was so unanticipated. The earthquake followed by the tsunami and boom the reactor is damaged leading to uncontrolled radiation. ‘Padam padam etad vipadam’ – in this material world we court danger every moment. Danger means environment imposes things which tend to destroy our existence. The soul never gets destroyed but the conditioned soul is put into that virtual reality of being effaced. The unexpected events in nature which change the course of history are called the Black swan events. One can learn how properly to react to an unexpected event, one can never plan for it. Its like the surprise tests in IITs, one has to be on the go at all times. But why the world is designed for unexpected events? Of course the big bang guys who think the world was never designed but just happens will definitely not have an answer. The unexpected events are a sign that this place is not for permanent settlement, where death is staring ...