Japan Nuclear disaster, Anna Hazare, corrpution

The nuclear disaster in Japan has reached to Chernobyl levels. It was so unanticipated. The earthquake followed by the tsunami and boom the reactor is damaged leading to uncontrolled radiation. ‘Padam padam etad vipadam’ – in this material world we court danger every moment. Danger means environment imposes things which tend to destroy our existence. The soul never gets destroyed but the conditioned soul is put into that virtual reality of being effaced. The unexpected events in nature which change the course of history are called the Black swan events. One can learn how properly to react to an unexpected event, one can never plan for it. Its like the surprise tests in IITs, one has to be on the go at all times. But why the world is designed for unexpected events? Of course the big bang guys who think the world was never designed but just happens will definitely not have an answer. The unexpected events are a sign that this place is not for permanent settlement, where death is staring at you every moment. Search for the eternal settlement, the abode of the Lord. Qualify to become a member of the eternal settlement. Past and future ceases toexist in the divine abode of the Lord – it is the reign of the blissful eternal present. The abode is full of the flow of lila – blissfull love pastimes of the supreme being. We are all in one system with the supreme being as the core. Every part of the system has to supply pleasure to the supreme core. We qualify for reflective happiness only, the happiness that reflects from the supreme. Aspiration for direct enjoyment will disqualify us from being integrated with the lila system. Independent life has to be given up. Me and my family, i have my job and i enjoy with my family – i don’t care about supreme etc..will not work. Death stares at disjoint things who are not integrated with pleasure of the supreme. Just being moral, a good law abiding citizen is not enough. One has to give up the independent separate enjoyment and integrate by giving happiness to Sri Krishna.
               The Anna Hazare’s and the lokpal bill cannot solve the problem of tapa traya facing all of us. Annually parts of Australia and West coast of USA is faced with huge forest fires. They cannot be controlled by fire engines,  spraying water etc. When the rain comes automatically the fire is extinguished. ‘Samsara dava nala lidha loka’ ;tranaya karunya ghanaghanatvam’ – The worldly problems is like forest fire. We need the mercy rain from above, from our sweet Lord to pacify the fire of samsara. The mercy rain is the Sri Guru whose form is made up of the Lord’s compassion. Just going near him will destroy our wrong tendencies of wanting to enjoy independent of the Lord. Sri Guru is the nodal point of that mercy and Harinama sankirtan is the outpouring of that mercy in the form of fountain. But there is lack of srddha in general populace on the mercy solutions. Lord caitanya’s movement is mass distribution of this mercy, to create srddha at a public level. The intrinsic core of Lord Caitanya’s movement is going on street sankirtan. The sound of the Hare Krishna mantra enters the ears even unwillingly and creates sukrti srddha in the hearing public. Street sankirtan is also breaking of the mercy dam by Nityananda Prabhu. The fallen, downtrodden, sinful everyone will be swept in this mercy tsunami of Lord Nityananda. The process of devotional service of Bhakti yoga is started by this hearing process. Accidentally a passerby on the street hears this harinama sankirtan his spirituallife has started and will save him from the highest danger of degrading into lower species in future. His faith in sadhu sanga will arise and eternal auspiciousness is invoked.
                The basic principle behind nuclear power plant is the steam turbine. The nuclear energy is utilised to make steam and using the momentum of the turbine, electricity is generated. This is a very intrusive kind of energy production system. The inherent stability of matter is disturbed to release energy. This is called tampering material energy and she will react with venom. Srila Prabhupada says that we have to lead life in collaboration with material energy and not disturbing its stability. We get more and more entangled in material energy’s complexities and the result is extreme suffering as seen in Japan and Chernobyl before. Why do we need so much electricity? Due to addiction to artificial creature comforts. In Sanskrit this is called ‘anartha’ – unwanted things. In the name of technological advancement, we are piling up more and more creature comforts. The challenge is get back into simple living. This is not possible just by plain resolution but by following the principles of Bhakti yoga. It is said in the Bhagavatham

anarthopasamam saksad
bhakti-yogam adhoksaje
lokasyajanato vidvams
cakre satvata-samhitam

How to minimise creature comforts and maximise devotional service? Mahat kripa is needed to prevent us from falling into the pit of material comforts. ‘Guru kripa vina nahi koi sadhana bal’ The special mercy of Sri Guru is needed to obtain the strength to escape from the whirpool of anartha. The foundation of anartha is addiction. When we supply material objects to the bodily senses and sense of happiness is generated, the addiction begins. It is easy to uproot addiction in the beginning stages. In the later stages of addiction, there is no happiness derived but the body craves and cannot live without it. Anybody who was a past smoker or a coffee addict can understand what iam hinting at. Our soul needs only one thing in its pure state – pure devotional service to Sri Krishna. It is completely satisfied with service. But devoid of that, the soul begins on the quest to search for different variety of objects in material world which increasingly titillates the physical body.  To extinguish this fire of addiction to anartha, one has to seek pure sadhu sanga and hear Hari katha in their company. Hearing Harikatha and Nama sankirtana will cleanse the heart and the internal bliss derived will help us in minimising the dependency on creature comforts.This will lead to decreased consumption of electricity and the need for nuclear power.


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