Happiness philosophy
Get this right and become Hakuna matata, no worries. It is internally generated and there can be a state of continuous waves of bliss hitting the mind like the waves hit the shore. And that is yoga of the mind with the waves of bliss. But one has to activate the ocean inside. The potentiated mantras can activate the bliss ocean to trigger joy waves. Vibrating and hearing the mantras is important that they travel the auditory channel and trigger the ocean of bliss.
Dont rely on external enjoyment. They are fickly, they cause addiction etc...especially happiness derived from fame or craving for celebrity status. Dont have this degrading fame ambition. Just be in your natural dharma like a river flowing into the ocean. Let your natural skills flow towards ananta as service to infinite.
Drop all kinds of ambitions to taste external happiness and have only one ambition to taste joy of true self and connectivity with supreme self. Wealth doesnt provide security and true happiness. Similarly fame, popularity, association with opposite sex, and scholarly pride.
Mantra is potentiated sound, that means the material sound generated by our tongue is being energized by manifestation of spiritual energy inside it. Many mantras need our purity attitude for divine energy to manifest and give company. But the Harekrishna mahamantra is merciful sound where holy spirit descends without any requirement of purity. One has to take advantage of this fact and keep company of this wonderful phenomenon happening on earth now.