Spiritual musings
The no ambition state, the acceptance state of the present situation. The situation of not doing anything other than flowing like water in ones own dharma....this is life....flowing in ones own specific dharma to join ananta the ocean of supreme consciousness.
Natural bliss is interrupted by the myriad mental turbulence. Dont worry, viswatma is supporting and nourishing everyone towards total complete bliss. He is drawing all of us thru various means. See yourself as extensions of his universal body and hence equal opportunity for bliss for poornata. Purnasya poornam aadaya, poornam eva vasisyate.
Why is this feeling of lacking always? which leads to actions of procurement uninterrupted....The lacking can be cured only by sincerely not wanting it, not otherwise by having it. Like a child learns to walk, an adult should learn to flow with inborn svadharma. Activate swadharm, learn yajna - this is the formula for satisfying life. Total acceptance and flow enables bliss. But the key point is when the inside opens and shows the nirapad bhumi.
Upa means wanting varenyam vastu, the supreme substance. Thats how upanishad and the gayatri mantra integrate. Upa means to go near or approach the supreme substance which is in gayatri mantra the word varenyam. The word vara is superior nice transcendent substance. Dhimahi is lined to the word ni which means meditate and be steadfast in your approach. This leads to shad which is destruction of the aavarana or covering and the arising of the pure self 'pracodayat'
Just accept and act wherever the universe has placed you, in whatever situation. The best option is not to revolt against the will of viswatma but accept and act. Act for purification, act for developing unifying ekatvam vision. Lets learn to love in unification. Since gunas are also daiva, they become spirtual when the aaropa of ownership mindset is given up and 'twadiyabhimana' is embraced.
Any uncomfortable situation is due to dwitiyabhinivesa. Mind is there and tends to sink deep, one has to arise to ekatvam to realise atmic bliss. The 'I' is sort of dependent 'I' not the present independent 'I'. it can be called the 'You prominent I' or 'I for You'.
Any created object has a swadharmic motion and that is needed to generate aggregate rasa. Kaya body, vaca vocal, manasa mind, indriya senses, Budhhi intellect - all these has prakrti svabhava and intrinsic flow, just trigger and flow - thats human life.
Dont desire aspire for anartha, unwanted things because this creates avarana and blocks experience of perpetual bliss.