The drill deep

Life is 

The completeness is hidden inside the incompleteness on the surface. The incompleteness is what drives procuring things external. The burden and heap of dead tings. its crazy to be proud about dead possessions. Possess life, possess atma, viswatma, sarva vyaapaka living principle. One can possess life of all life thru developing service spirit. The viswatma is pervading in each life and service is worshipping him. just go out and add value by converting your nature, passion into service.

The invisible internals should not be corrputed by external indulgence. Grow and gaurd your insides. Stop before the arisen thought goes deeper and like a virus corrupt the all good work done by the mantra in the internals.

The annamaya kosha is drilledout or crossed by karma yoga or nishkama karma

The pranamaya kpsha is crossed by buddhi yoga

The Jnana maya kosha is crossed by getting knowledge of Supreme soul, yajna and service concept

Prem as described in Raja yoga is touching the final deep layer which triggers the ananda fountain

Drill thru the koshas to access and bring out the anandamaya kosha

Increasing vishaya bhog increases the dirt covering and hence loss of wellbeing and depression

In Gita it is called kasmalam - the dirt which needs to be drilled thru

Just like the borewell

Urban places you have to drill deep to get the elixir of life

Urban life adds layers to ones consciousness, it takes more mantra drill to reach

Drill deep and the fountain of water springs up, bringing joy

Drugies try to mimic this deep spiritual experience on the surface with chemicals

but its sadhana which can trigger the deep hidden elixir ecstacy

needs sadhana austerity tapas to get there

to sustain for ever the high


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