Bande barutaava kaala......Lakshminarayan bhat (NSL)
Bande.. Baruthava Kaala
Bande Baruthava Kaala
Mandara Kanasanu
Kandantha Manasanu
Ondu Maaduva Sneha jaala
aa.. Bande Baruthava Kaala
Time is sure to come; beautiful dreams seen my the mind; will be satisfied in company of divine friends; yes we can; Great times is sure to come
Bande barutaava kaala: This phrase is about never say die spirit. Eternal optimism is important. This is a burning flame which can see thru life and baby steps into eternity. The dreams are realized in web of friendship. Supreme lord is kaala. But he is not controlled by anything othe than selfless love called 'Bhakti'. When one is in this service ego 'sevonmukha bhaava' the supreme descends which means the times of bliss descend into ones heart. Every sadhaka needs this optimism on the journey to eternity. It is said in the Upadesamrta written by famous saint Rupa Goswami in the Caitanya parampara supporting that the optimism is key to enhance yogic love life - There are six principles favorable to the execution of pure devotional service: (1) being enthusiastic, (2) endeavoring with confidence, (3) being patient, (4) acting according to regulative principles [such as śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ smaraṇam [SB 7.5.23]—hearing, chanting and remembering Kṛṣṇa], (5) abandoning the association of nondevotees, and (6) following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas. These six principles undoubtedly assure the complete success of pure devotional service. Sneha jaala: The pure devotees lay traps of wonderful delightful eternal relationships with deep selfless love. Ondu maaduva means unification which is yoga. Yoga connects to the eternal existing one unity.This can happen by developing service relationships with devotees of truth technically called satsanga. The web of friendship with people who value eternity can lead to satisfaction of deepest desires in dreams Mandaara kanasu: This means the ideal dreams we see of satchitananda. Everybody wants this, An eternal life without disease and death, perfect knowledge leading to always existing bliss and staying high for ever. Satchitananda is our inheritance. But seeking it in sense objects wont help. Kandantha Manasu the mind sees perceives. This is what needs to be corrected inorder to ensure delightful times arrive at our doorstep. How to get the liberating mindset? Its by aligning the mind with sastric perspective explained in Bhagavad Gita. Guru vakya architects the mental perception.
Maagiya Ede Thoori Koogito Kogila
Ragada Chandake Baagitho Banavella
Thoogootha Balli Maiyanna
Saagadu Baalu Ekangi Enuthava
The cooing of the cuckoo; various sounds in nature; whole forest bows in reverence to the nature sounds; the creepers dance to the sounds; communicate that life cannot go on without association of divine
Koogito Kogila: Nature sounds like that of the cuckoo are the clarion call of eternity to embrace companionship of the Holy names and mantras in vedas. Meditating on nature sounds can really instill divine inspiration in us. It is the vedas which is coming to us calling in these nature sounds. But unfortunately in the urban world we are always hearing the noise of automobiles and machines which push us towards intoxication and not towards austerity and deep thought.
Saagadu Baalu ekangi: Human life is precious and should not be spent alone. You may think you have society and friends but it is all selfish. Nobody care for u and hence you are alone. The cuckoo cooing is about calling for real relationships in divine, in the company of the dearest sakhis in the land of vrindavan, the abode of true relationships. We waste valuable human life seeking company of asat sanga or in the temporary relationships and identity which time will destroy.
Bande Baruthava Kaala
Mandara Kanasanu
Kandantha Manasanu
Ondu Maaduva Sneha jaala
aa.. Bande.. Baruthava Kaala
Hunnime Baaninda
Thannane Savi haalu
Chellutha Mellane
Naliside Bhuviyanu
Musukide Maaye Jagavanu..u..
Bhuvi Bhaanu Seri Harasyava Baalanu
The full moon light is like the pouring of milk; slowly whole earth is covered with milk and nature is intoxicated; as though the earth and sky is blessing the universe
Hunnime: the effect of the full moon, Perceive full moon as a blessing and bask in it. Savi haalu: Even though poetic but there is lot of truth in this. The moon nourishes vegetables. fruits and life. The moon also showers nectar on the forest fire of thoughts in the mind. Chandra Moon is mano kaaraka. If one needs enchantment it is important to drink the milk of moonlight on full moon. Cow is mother and milk is one of the most nourishing food. Similarly moon light is most nourishing to the subtle mind.
Musukide maaye jagavanu: Meditating on full moon can provide us entrance into divine illusion, the inspiration of the cosmic dance 'Raas'. One can get the blessing of the divine feminine to enter into the spiritual romance play. But if faith in pleasure of material senses, then it can steep us into mundane illusion engulfing in pangs of perpetual birth, death, oldage and disease.
Bhuvi Bhaanu Seri Harasyava baalanu: the blessings of the earth and sky is needed for prosperous life. These are driven by angel administrators the demigods. See the life behind the lifeless. Lifeless is the end point extension of divine controllers. They are always blessing us and waiting for us to reciprocate in selfless love towards creation.