Vishvam, Sahasranaam
Spiritual life is about contemplation. Contemplate the sastras and empower the vijnana kosha . This contemplation can enable one to come in contact with Varenyam vastu the superior substance of the Viswatma sarvaatma.
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Om vishvam vishnur-vashatkaro bhuta-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh Bhutakrud bhutabhrud bhavo bhutatma bhuta-bhavanah ..1
The story, the tattvic connection among names of Vishnu in each VishuSahasranaam verse is most imporant. This has to be contemplated. There is a common thread, a benefit, a realization arising from that contemplation which can enhance the person contemplating.
That is the promise of the Lord that if you want something one has to glorify the fullness of the quality in the beautiful Lord.
The contemplation on the absolute should start from what is visible. That is the first stanza of Vishnu Sahasranaam.
Vishwam is the universe but the Lord is the Universe.
This special insight knowledge vishehsa jnanam on seeing the Lord in the universe. Vishnu means one who gives special insight and knowledge. one has to see the connectivity in the names in a single stanza of Vishnu Sahasranama. The one who is behind the 6 transformations is Vashatkara. What are the 6 transformations? There are six Bhava-Vikaras or modifications of the body: Asti (existence), Jayate (birth), Vardhate (growth), Viparinamate (change), Apakshiyate (decay), Vinasyati (death). The non transformable spirit is covered by the layer of the body which undergoes the 6 transformations. The tarnsformations cause anxiety unless we are aware, accept and have idea to go beyond it. Thats by worshipping the Time Lord 'Kaala prabhu' and that is the 4th name of Lord Vishnu - Bhutabhavyabhavat Prabhuh. But dont think that Kaala prabhu is far away fro us. He is sitting in right there inside each and called - Bhutatma, the soul of all jivas.
The Lord is all pervading and present in every atom. And you can conceive the smallest—just like the atom—yet God is smaller than the atom. That is God. Not that He's only the great, but He is the smallest also. Aṇor aṇīyān mahato mahīyān. Mahato mahīyān means greater than the greatest, and aṇor aṇīyān, and smaller than the smallest.