Garland of issues
Life is a series of problems
Garland of problems with capacity for trishula, tritapa
One has to get out of samsara chakra while traversing the garland of problems
One should not have foolish optimism that the chain of problems will end
Learn to practice to sit on the chariot with Sri krishna as the charioteer
This can happen by taking shelter of his sound form - divine transcendent sound form
Vikara are accepted as norm in society
Present day society is dangerous turn - where so many ethical deviations are considered norm
Especially sexual deviations
This is as a result of too much persual of external pleasure
External pleasure is driven by continuous change
First thing to go internal is to stop change in the external pleasure
Start process of vrata withdrawal and engagement at same level of sense pleasure
Going inside automatically leads to minimalism - niskincana, akincana
Bliss by nature is a wonderful concept to pursue
Bliss by nature is lying dormant to be explored, the last frontier of pleasure
Bliss by nature and waves of happiness of expression
When bliss by nature is expressed it leads to waves of happiness
The bliss by nature is expressed thru swadharma
When in swadharma one remains constantly in touch with ones higher nature
One has to operate outside from in on the path to enlightenment