Moha kalilam....forest of illusion
Besides these two, there is the greatest living personality, the Supreme Soul, the imperishable Lord Himself, who has entered the three worlds and is maintaining them.
Supreme soul is distinct, this needs to be understood
Imperishable Lord
entering and maintaining - this is his task for play - vilasa
External driven Du-Kha
mind has a condition to feel superior among ones relatives friends
When this condition is violated it produces Du-Kha
Means the world configuration is not matching the mental condition
The world configuration is exposing you as inferior - hence unsatisfying of condition and hence radiation of sad emotion feeling
Solution is to erase this condition with unity view - ekatvam astitah
One need not be better materially from others to be happy - this is a wrong ROM condition fed into the brain since time immemorial for conditioned Kshara jiva
Weaken this condition thru sastru jnana and cakshu
Become indifferent to all that is heard and told
One doesnt need to do anything from outside
Outside impelled action is bonding and not liberating
Action impelled from inside - by svadharma, true nature is always liberating
So many mental conditions has to be liquidated - this is called ceto darpana marjanam
When your intelligence has passed out of the dense forest of delusion, you shall become indifferent to all that has been heard and all that is to be heard. (Gita 2.52)
yada te moha-kalilam
buddhir vyatitarisyati
tada gantasi nirvedam
srotavyasya srutasya ca
Moha kalilam - forest of illusion; buddhi has to come out of this forest of illusion
Is envy due to lack of happiness concept? when someone possesses and one doesnt leads to feeling of envy; mental conditions lead to envy; more money, more assets, more fame is not happiness - can we cancel this condition in mind?
Happiness is by pure inner nature free from mental conditions - Mahaprabhu summarised as Dhanam (assets), Jana(fame)
lets free the mind from happiness conditions of dhanam, janam, kavitam, sundarim - From time immemorial people set out to acquire these 4 due to pre programmed mind by maya
Instead of meeting the external conditions in mind for happiness, Spirituality is about erasing the condition itself in first place and claim the right to natural inner bliss of self
Conditions in mind is like hunger and it propels one to pacify by supplying the external worldly object.
Mental pre programmed conditions for happiness are erased thru mantra japa and hearing sabda brahma from unconditioned souls Akshara beings
Sadhana is to be diligent not to add new conditions for happiness and try to erase existing conditions
There is no dearth of protection, maintenance and bliss in natural existence and awareness as part of the Supreme 'Uttama Purusha' why outsource?
Poorna vastu amsha - hence iam poorna and dont have lacking - since everything belongs to supreme i dont worry about protection and maintainence
uttamaḥ puruṣas tv anyaḥ
paramātmety udāhṛtaḥ
yo loka-trayam āviśya
bibharty avyaya īśvaraḥ
He enters all the 3 worlds
Entering is called avisya
Maintaining is called bibharty
He is avyaya isvarah
What does the uttamah purusha do? - avisya and bibharti
What is his nature - avyaya - inexhaustible Lord
The idea of this verse is very nicely expressed in the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (2.2.13) and Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad (6.13).
It is clearly stated there that above the innumerable living entities, some of whom are conditioned and some of whom are liberated, there is the Supreme Personality, who is Paramātmā.
The Upaniṣadic verse runs as follows: nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām.
The purport is that amongst all the living entities, both conditioned and liberated, there is one supreme living personality, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who maintains them and gives them all the facility of enjoyment according to different work. That Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone’s heart as Paramātmā.
A wise man who can understand Him is eligible to attain perfect peace, not others.