Sutra, Mani and Sutradhaara

 rasoham apsu kaunteya
water and taste
the taste of water is brahman
the taste of water is me 'aham'

Strange isnt it
why he selected water as first expression?
from water he goes to light
light to pranava - sound - ability

5 things
Water, light, pranava, sabda, paurusham
manifestation of supreme
How does it help sadhana?

water, light, sound
these are daytoday general experiences
taken for granted or without awareness
now be krishna conscious while you experience them

the highest happiness
is handed over to you
when you stop looking
in objects/persons/events of the world

Strange isnt it
happiness by nature
is blocked when ventured out
regained when ventured in

pure consciousness is natural bliss
pure existence is natural bliss
atmanaiva atmani tustah
atma the essence, the supreme

Sri Krishna is the final atma
the final essence in anything
the essence of water is rasa
hence it is Sri Krishna

sutre mani ganaiva
Lord is the sutra
all creation are like manis pearls
the sutra is dharma supporting the pearls

meditate on the sutra
The sutra is also sutradhara
for the story progress of this world
Where everyone is a character with a aspiration


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