
Showing posts from 2025

vaikunthah purushah praanah

  vaikunthah purushah praanah praanadah pranavah prithuh hiranyagarbhah satrughno vyaapto vaayuradhokshajah. Vaikuntha and shtarughno are sort of related kuntha can also be interpreted as shatro vai and ghna the cancelling verbs sort of a abhaya pradana, reinforcement of his path clearing function I kill shatru everywhere because iam vyapta like vayu but unseen now to your eyes but when need comes i manifest from anywhere like kambha narasimha - you have your example where there is no anxiety and fear Is there such a platform of life? Brahma bhuta prasannatma It is only in the lotus feet of the Purusha The praana comes from his lotus feet When connected to him we can offer prana to others He is available freely thru Pranava sound he is vyapta thru pranava Even though vyapta he is invisible adhokshaja but thru pranava something is possible the invisible adhoksaja pumps prana sakti Being very broad he incarnated via prthu maharaj to teach how to interact with the earth earth became p...

The Investigation of God: Creation as Witness

  The Investigation of God: Creation as Witness God remains elusive, hidden behind the grandeur of His creation. As investigators, humanity is tasked with solving the mystery of existence, with the universe itself as the primary witness. The Bhagavad Gita exhorts seekers, saying, “In whatever way people surrender unto Me, I reciprocate accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects” (Gita 4.11). This suggests that the search for God is deeply personal, requiring focus and an unwavering commitment to uncovering the divine truth. Unlike typical investigations, this quest does not rely on external validation. The individual must turn inward. Krishna assures in the Gita, “The Supreme Truth exists both internally and externally, in the moving and the non-moving” (Gita 13.16). This implies that God’s presence permeates all existence, though veiled from the senses. Saints and scriptures guide us, but ultimately, the heart becomes the courtroom where God is “arrested” through me...

How to Understand God's Unpaid Servants

How to Understand God's Unpaid Servants: The Glories of Serving the Lord In the realm of divine service, unpaid servants of God exemplify selfless dedication. They receive no salary, no worldly compensation, yet their hearts overflow with fulfillment. Why? Service to God is not a burden but a wellspring of joy. The act itself becomes the reward, as divine service expands the ocean of bliss— anandambudhi vardhanam . This unique experience transcends ordinary mortal understanding. God's servants, being His amsas (fragments), share in His supreme bliss. Service invigorates the soul, akin to tapta jivanam —life-giving nectar. It is not servitude but divine connection, a celebration of love that enriches and uplifts eternally. ----------------------------------------- O Krsna, master of amorous pleasure, O bestower of benedictions, we are Your unpaid maidservants. You are killing us by the glance of Your eyes that steal even the proud beauty of the whorl of supremely enchanting, hi...

Gopi Gita, How to create abundance at home?

Invite Abundance Through Krishna Katha If you desire true abundance, let Krishna take birth in your home through sankirtana—the collective glorification of His names and pastimes. When you engage in Krishna katha and bodhayantah parasparam (discuss Him with others), your house becomes more glorious than Vaikuntha, attracting Lakshmi (Indira), who takes permanent shelter (āśraya), bringing endless prosperity (śrīmad). The first verse of the Gopi Gita states: "Jayati te'dhikam janmanā vrajaḥ" ("Your birth in Vraja has made it glorious.") By discussing Krishna, your search for worldly desires ends, replaced by an unending yearning for Him. Start today and experience divine fulfillment.

Tantra and Mantra: The Twin Pillars of Spirituality

Tantra and Mantra: The Twin Pillars of Spirituality In the grand symphony of spiritual practice, tantra and mantra emerge as two indispensable melodies, harmonizing the inner and outer worlds. Tantra is the visible dance, the bodily ritual, the physical actions— पूजा (puja), अर्चा (archa), the deliberate movements that invoke the divine in the material realm. These rituals are not mere formalities but channels to access the विश्वात्मा (Viswatma) , the universal soul that animates all existence. Through the arcane practices of tantra, we establish a sacred connection between our finite selves and the infinite divine, grounding spiritual truths in the tangible world. Yet, tantra alone is not enough. Rituals without inner awareness are hollow vessels. As the भगवद्गीता (Bhagavad Gita) reminds us, "अध्यात्मज्ञाननित्यत्वं" —"Constant awareness of the spiritual essence is necessary." Tantra acts as a bridge, enabling the seeker to transcend the mundane and touch the ...

The Dance of Truth: A Journey Towards Spiritual Upliftment, inspired by Outerbanks

  The Dance of Truth: A Journey Towards Spiritual Upliftment Life is an eclipse, veiling the eternal truth beneath the shadows of ignorance. The ऋग्वेद (Rigveda) declares, "तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय" —"Lead me from darkness to light." Yet, the thickened skulls of many cannot comprehend this calling, for they are bound by the modes of nature, born into association with material desires. It is the human duty to hunt for the Absolute Truth, peeling away the illusions of the transient world. Only bhakti—the loving devotion to the divine—can make the Absolute bow to the power of selfless surrender, turning Parameshvara into Paravasha. The grind of samsara is unrelenting, compelling one to grovel in its cycles. But the कठोपनिषद् (Katha Upanishad) reminds us, "उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत" —"Arise, awake, and stop not until the goal is reached." The mission demands discernment in association: "बोधयन्तः परस्परम्" —noble friendships that ins...

How to travel inside by meditation on Vyasa's Sound? - व्यासनादीनां शब्दसागरस्य अंतरयात्रा

  व्यासनादीनां शब्दसागरस्य अंतरयात्रा ( Vyāsanādīnāṁ Śabdasāgarasya Antarayātrā ) Translation: The Inner Journey Through Vyasa's Ocean of Sound The spiritual sound brought to the outer banks by Vyasa is a timeless call, an invitation to journey inward. Riding the waves of his divine vibrations, we traverse from the periphery of existence to the central root, where the eternal Purusha resides— antarātmanam prāpya śāntiḥ svayam bhavati (reaching the inner self, peace manifests). Vyasa's sound is not mere words; it is a bridge to the infinite, carrying us through the currents of gratitude and service. As we venture inward, this sound awakens the dormant treasure within—a volcano of love, ready to erupt and transform the soul. Meditation on this sound kindles the fire of self-realization, melting the barriers of illusion. The fish, believing the bank is its refuge, finds survival difficult there. Likewise, this body, an equipment for survival, is no true shelter. True life begins...