
Showing posts from February, 2009

Ownership and Doer psychology

Spiritual sadhana is opposing the material energy governed by Goddess Durga. Without access to Guru Shakti it is very difficult to oppose the degrading pull of material energy. One has to evolve to divinity and not degrade by the association of mode of passion and ignorance. The effect of Guru SHakti is immense faith that the goal of satchitananda is attained thru complete surrender and service to Sri Krishna. Giving up all sense of ownership because in reality nobody owns anything here - ownership mentality of mineness or mamatva buddhi is the root of all evils - Ownership and doer mentality - Sarva loka maheswaram - Lord Krishna owns everything!!!Kirtaniya sada harih - this is the only duty - dont worry for Protection, maintenance and plan for enjoyment

Guru Shakti

The band of Guru Shakti operates in a discontinous way on earth to atract people to divinity. Thru Sri Guru, Sri Krishna reclaims fallen souls. Sri Guru is empowerment of Sri Krishna - without surrendering to this shakti it is not possible to get insight into the spiritual world - surrender to Guru shakti with completely giving up mamatva buddhi is the only means. Presenlty Guru Shakti is operating thru Srila Gurudeva - Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja and request all souls on planet not to miss this powerful shakti emanated by Gurudeva. By coming under the shelter of this shakti, one can transform oneself into a pure lover of Sri Krishna in manjari bhava. Guru SHakti enables one to attain Satchitananda existance Thru the medium of service one can access the all transforming power of Guru Shakti Guru Shakti also emanates love and affection

Dharma and eternity or amaratva

Dharma is that which sustains ones existance - So according to Gaudiya Vaisnava school of thought Krishna prema is the dharma of every living being. Why do you think advanced devotees can sustain without food water etc? Becasue having achieved Krishna prema and saturated with it, Prem sustains them - Prem is the thing which really sustains us - others are artificial sustenence. During sadhaka stage it is important to nourish the body with food etc.....So our sadhana to attain prem maintains us Death is absence of sustenence - an identity which is illusory and artificial has to die and decay - only the real identity will be sustained by the universe - One can sustain for eternity and become timless by achieving Krishna prema

dimensions of who am I?

How to distinguish between illusion and reality? What are the parameters for saying something is reality? Happiness and ecstacy are parameters for reality - If a state of existance provides for uninterrupted happiness - can this be called reality? What is Sri Krishna telling in Gita about illusion and reality? Illusion is generated by conception of what this world is about? A personal conception of this world - The conception of this world in the mind generates action - an illusory conception generates illusory actions - mamatva buddhi towards illusory things - Vraja conception is reality - Sri Krishna is urging to give illusory conceptions of this world and surrender to the Vraja conception of service to him - This will bring in all auspiciousness to the self. The question who am i has multi dimensions - one is what is the substance iam really made of? The other dimension is 'what am i' in relation to the environment? From a substance perspective, we are not made of the pancab...

Proper goal

Creator will have a way to communicate to us of his existance and what this cosmos is all about. What is real pleasure or happiness? He should communicate ....... He will and it is logical. What if big bang is a reality? It cannot be since intelligence is behind anything wonderful. Plus pursuing the goal of satchitananda is very important - it is the highest all encompassing perfect goal possible for humanity. If in human life one does not pursue the goal of satchitananda, he is an animal. When one pursues the pure goal of satchitananda, he cannot but come and knock on the door of GIa, Bhagavatham. When we have our own cooked up concept of satchitananda, we tend to worship demigods for material profit.

Another world

Existance of another world and we really belong there than here. The world of suffering, anxiety, unpredicatability. Is it just escapism and hallucination about a world of God where the supreme Hero Lord Sri Krishna rules? or is there such a reality? Whom to believe? Whom to trust? Our ideal ambition should be to achieve Sat-Chit-ananda. The universal energy assists one in achieving whatever goal one has. So we will be treading the right path when we have to right goal. To decide the right goal - as expansive and as ideal as ever - which has all other goals as subsets. Can such a goal be possible? Yes - Sat-chit-ananda is such a goal. Dont have means as your goals - but the goal has to be a core need - a fundamental need thru which everything else will be satisified - attaining which there will be no more to attain - Friends - Sat-chit-ananda is such a goal. We are in a hopeless situation - we dont know what we really need. Scriptures say that Krishna Bhakti is what we as a minute unit...