Guru Shakti

The band of Guru Shakti operates in a discontinous way on earth to atract people to divinity. Thru Sri Guru, Sri Krishna reclaims fallen souls. Sri Guru is empowerment of Sri Krishna - without surrendering to this shakti it is not possible to get insight into the spiritual world - surrender to Guru shakti with completely giving up mamatva buddhi is the only means. Presenlty Guru Shakti is operating thru Srila Gurudeva - Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja and request all souls on planet not to miss this powerful shakti emanated by Gurudeva. By coming under the shelter of this shakti, one can transform oneself into a pure lover of Sri Krishna in manjari bhava.

Guru SHakti enables one to attain Satchitananda existance
Thru the medium of service one can access the all transforming power of Guru Shakti
Guru Shakti also emanates love and affection


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