Racist attacks in Australia - spiritual solution

The racist attacks is a result of bodily identification. This creates artificial boundaries and groups. Based on various criteria many groups are created with the foundation of artificial identities. The interests between groups clash for lack of a common interest. Fights violence is the result.
In the true yoga process as preached by SriKrishna in the Gita, one undergoes a deidentification phenomenon on a daily process. This process enables the cosmic identity as a component of the supreme person and all transitory identities are done away with. This is the first theoretical step to get free from the entanglement of the body. The following sloka of the Gita is very relevant to solve the racism problem.

Chapter 15. The Yoga of the Supreme Person

mamaivamso jiva-loke
jiva-bhutah sanatanah
prakrti-sthani karsati


mama--My; eva--certainly; amsah--fragmental particles; jiva-loke--world of conditional life; jiva-bhutah--the conditioned living entity; sanatanah--eternal; manah--mind; sasthani--six; indriyani--senses; prakrti--material nature; sthani--situated; karsati--struggling hard.

The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind.

In this verse the identity of the living being is clearly given. The living entity is the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord--eternally. It is not that he assumes individuality in his conditional life and in his liberated state becomes one with the Supreme Lord. He is eternally fragmented. It is clearly said, sanatanah. According to the Vedic version, the Supreme Lord manifests and expands Himself in innumerable expansions, of which the primary expansions are called visnu-tattva and the secondary expansions are called the living entities. In other words, the visnu-tattva is the personal expansion, and the living entities are separated expansions. By His personal expansion, He is manifested in various forms like Lord Rama, Nrsimhadeva, Visnumurti and all the predominating Deities in the Vaikuntha planets. The separated expansions, the living entities, are eternally servitors. The personal expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the individual identities of the Godhead, are always present. Similarly, the separated expansions of living entities have their identities. As fragmental parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, the living entities have also fragmental qualities, of which independence is one. Every living entity has an individual soul, his personal individuality and a minute form of independence. By misuse of that independence, one becomes a conditioned soul, and by proper use of independence he is always liberated. In either case, he is qualitatively eternal, as the Supreme Lord is. In his liberated state he is freed from this material condition, and he is under the engagement of transcendental service unto the Lord; in his conditional life he is dominated by the material modes of nature, and he forgets the transcendental loving service of the Lord. As a result, he has to struggle very hard to maintain his existence in the material world.

Whole world has to unite under the banner of divine love as preached by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Indians should realise that their contribution to this world is not to learn technology but the gita and preach all over the world. There is no need to leave ones country to study technology. Indian youth should study vedas with a scientific bent, make life perfect and help the whole world just like Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaja is doing..............


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