Gay rights in India
After much clamour and controversy in US, the gay rights movement have made a beginning last week in Bangalore India. In US different states have contrasting legislations either banning gay marriages or honoring them and providing equal rights as traditional marriage. The basis is the emotional and physical bonding between two beings. Forces of attraction are prominent in the universe which bonds/attracts two or more entities. Why some forces of attraction be banished and some honored?Just because opposite sex attraction is more prevalent since time immemorial we honor it and the same sex attraction being a recent phenomenon we tend to antagonise it? If somebody gets divine attraction and quits society, becomes a sanyasi to pursue and nurture divine attraction, that is also condemned by society. Mass mentality opposes change of any kind. Change is progress and can lead humanity to higher levels of consciousness. When subjected to forces of attraction one obtains happiness or pleasure. Based on different levels of evolution of consciousness, the natural forces of attraction a person experiences varies. There is a spectrum of eating habits based on grades of consciousness. Higher level of consciosuness favors green vegetables, fruits and non spicy food. Delving into the science of Gita which classifies matter into 3 categories - Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Higher consciousness gets attracted to sattva matter. Conditioned consciousness needs the support of matter even though soul is a independent entity. The ascending of the Guna ladder takes place as one makes progress towards liberation from matter entaglement. Yoga is the technique to ascend and finally liberate oneself from clutches of matter. The soul and consciousness is bound to matter at the sense points in the body. Sense indulgence increases the bondage to matter. Regulation loosens the knot. The tongue, stomach and genitals are the location of the knots of bondage. To nurture divine attraction towards the supreme being, all forms of bodily attractive forces have to be regulated. There comes a threshold level of consciousness when forces belonging to 3 gunas dont have any influence. The consciousness has reached the Vasudeva or shuddha sattva platform.
So coming to Gay rights, this can be honored and allow the people to express naturally at the particular level of consciosuness. Its a welcome move by the government. But Government has to take up the propagation of the science of elevating consciousness - the science of Bhakti yoga for people to scale up and experience higher levels of divine ecstasy much superior to alcohol, sex, etc....
Higher consciousness gets attracted to sattva matter. Conditioned consciousness needs the support of matter even though soul is a independent entity. The ascending of the Guna ladder takes place as one makes progress towards liberation from matter entaglement. Yoga is the technique to ascend and finally liberate oneself from clutches of matter. The soul and consciousness is bound to matter at the sense points in the body. Sense indulgence increases the bondage to matter. Regulation loosens the knot. The tongue, stomach and genitals are the location of the knots of bondage. To nurture divine attraction towards the supreme being, all forms of bodily attractive forces have to be regulated. There comes a threshold level of consciousness when forces belonging to 3 gunas dont have any influence. The consciousness has reached the Vasudeva or shuddha sattva platform.
So coming to Gay rights, this can be honored and allow the people to express naturally at the particular level of consciosuness. Its a welcome move by the government. But Government has to take up the propagation of the science of elevating consciousness - the science of Bhakti yoga for people to scale up and experience higher levels of divine ecstasy much superior to alcohol, sex, etc....