Corona Virus and weapons from the Gita
Global corona virus is creating Vishada means a poison like misery sad feeling in the mind of people. It is very similar to what Arjuna faced at the start of the kurukshetra world war when he was face to face with ones own family members. Many are questioning why the nature of this world is like this? Waves of issues, challenges come in one after the other. It may be personal misery, misery wave due to behavior of other people, or due to natural upheaval like floods, virus, forest fire, etc....Its the nature of the world. One cannot stop no matter the advancement in science and technology. The worldly challenges continuously evolve releasing newer version and we are always in a catchup game. What to do? Gita thru its 18 yoga techniques have the answer.
The vishada or questions that arise when in misery or frustrated unable to handle the constant barrage of challenges the world throws up. But during Vishada one has to find a very spiritually competent person linked to Krishna if we want to find permanent solutions.
Karma yoga: Focusing on action is very important in a crisis. One has to do ones duty to keep oneself fit like staying at home and hygiene tasks. Contribute any service to the world based on ones capabilities. One has to engage in positive recommended karma otherwise mind can go in a tizzy with crazy self destructing thoughts. Keep busy, one can nourish the soul thru various mantra chants with no worldly contact.
Develop the understanding of the supreme presence in smaller than the smallest and bigger than the biggest. The main point is supreme and its energies are made of bliss. With wrong thought process of independent mindset this bliss contact is withdrawn. We have to move to a supreme surrender concept to regain original nature.
Once in touch with a competent person we can evolve to Sankhya yoga a very strong weapon. Sankhya breaks down a problem. It completely overthrows death as a process and not annihilation of the individual. This knowledge will increase the immunity during this corona crisis. Most think we are the body and the thought that we are a deathless eternal spirit will give lot of comfort and enhance immunity.
Jnana yoga: Building knowledge on the issue is important. The knowledge of virus, bacteria, infection will help. Also one has to look forward to new learning in challenging situation. Proximity of supreme being is always higher when facing challenges. So be open and enjoy new learning. An avatara will always be around the corner during challenges.
Karma Sanyasa yoga: challenges should be faced to achieve inner bliss. They help in purification of action. How to get motivated to act without attachment to fruits of labor? Acknowledge the positive gain of this critical challenge, this will motivate to face.
Dhyana yoga: Close your eyes, focus on breath and try to traverse the inner world. When everything is shut you have a great chance with no disturbances to undertake a voyage into the inside. Dhyana is a great way to achieve social distancing
Develop big picture insight with idea of a supreme controller. Move away from a conception of random world. The beauty and sport of the Supreme and how you can be a part of the play. With this you slowly start developing immunity to poisonous info on social media with constant bombarding of corrosion corona.
So friends above is the summary of the Gita weapons we can use to fight corona virus and Covid 19.