Happiness, pleasure and wellbeing
Whatever it is life is crazy. What is life meant for afterall? I dont deny, there are pleasure objects to possess. Positions to go after, beautiful women, great food etc....but are happiness and pleasures different?. Happiness is the measured by the level of well being whereas pleasures are momentary when we engage with pleasure object. To raise the level of well being is important but many times it is inverse to the pleasure process. If one indulges in intense pleasures then the level of well being takes a dip post pleasure. This is law of nature. Hence one has to be regulated in pleasures like food and sex so that level of well being doesnt go down. Once the level of well being goes beyond threshold the need for pleasure will completely vanish. one just relishes ones higher existence and roams around singing dancing glorifying the root of existence, urdhva mulam. One has to know the process of raising inner well being. Means it follows a rigorous method to raise the inner well being. Those are the yoga spiritual techniques. What is the source of inner well being? So the happiness level is proportional to the extent by which the soul is manifest out of the pandoras box of ahankara or false ego. when it is completely out of the clutches, then one feels happiness without break, a very crazy intense ecstactic level of existence. Folks, grow and climb the ladder of inner well being, instead of climbing the corporate ladder. All life experiences are laboratory to climb the ladder of inner wellbeing. Every breath can be invested to raise, to climb.
Physical health is important. Sometimes you are gifted by the planetary combinations at birth. A great lagna gives great health. Sri Krishna calls yukta aahara as pathway to great health. This includes both what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat?. The discipline and routine of eating is very important for great digestive health. It produces Ojas which really brings glow to skin and face. If one eats properly according to Gita, this ojas is produced. Ojas leads to tejas.