Vishnu Sahasranama, the correlation between the first and 1000th name

 The names of Vishnu, Vishnu Sahasranam, 1000 names of Vishnu. What is it all about? Are they just sounds or something more? Do they have potency or capable of energy transmission? Whole world is about energy transaction or flow of energy. Everyhing contains energy potential some visible and others invisible. So What to do? we have to get used to and master to live amongst energy flows. The spectrum of energy. when you come to the point of chanting vibrating mantras, u have to become sensitive to energy flow. One particular characteristic of living mantra is varied reciprocation in energy. It depends on the knowledge and faith of the individual, the type of energy which mantra transmits. Mantras are energy emission points but since they are living, they reciprocate differently to different individuals. So it is better one doesnt chant a mantra without knowing the meaning, diety addressed and beneficial energy that can be drawn. It is technicalled called in sadhana circles 'Mahima jnan' or 'Mahatmyam jnan'. 

    So coming back to Vishnu Sahasranam, lets try to analyse the correlation between the first and last name of Lord Vishnu. The first name is Vishwam and last name is Sarvaprahana ayudha. Vishvam is the manifest world and 100th name means all possible usable weapons existing or going to be invented in future. One can conclude that to live in this world, one needs weapons. Because somehow the nature of this world is that it is a dangerous place challenging our existence every moment. The world also has immense capacity to throw us into lower degraded existences. So one has to make an attempt to rise up the tree of Vishvam. One has to use the relevant equipment and weapons todo that. If one is not a kshatriya who can protect oneself and others from dangers of this world, then mantra become our ayudhas or weapons. The 1000 names of Vishnu are 1000 weapons and much more to face this world. It is present in this world. we fight both internal and external weapons. There are various categories of weapons broadly divided into internal/external weapon or Nama categories. So what is a weapon? weapon is a bundle of energy which can attack the opponent or defend from the opponent. It is many cases as seen in Mahabharatha war, an intense concentrated panchabhuta shower or a countering shower on the antagonist. This include subtle weapons needed for inner warfare. The essence is that vishwam or the world is a battlefield and one cannto survive the battle with taking recourse to the 100m names of vishwam. When one surrenders to Vishnu the weapons or the names of Vishnu are on everready mode protecting the devotee. Pandemics like corona are new battlefront in the world and one needs the names of Vishnu to come out unscathed. 

Sri Anamayana namah, an amazing name of Vishnu glorifying him to be ever free of disease. So vibrating this name will certainly enhances one health which can be further invested to climb the tree of samsara to reach the Parama padam. One is not supposed to just live in this world but keep moving up towards Urdhva mulam....the purest root from which everything emanates. As we move up we are closer to purity and perfection. It is like climbing a tree or the tree of asvattha banyan which this world truly is......If inner bliss and well being is increasing rising means you are climbing up properly. 


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