Money money honey
Money creates problems
Dependence on money as safety net, as insurance, as solution to all problems is misconception
Why have we forgotten the invisible, all pervading, super consciousness?
The one who is just, the origin of all, who is beauty love personified?
Maybe even planning for survival is lack of faith
The universe and your life is already managed
resources, protection will flow from anywhere, everywhere
Just like Lord Narasimha came out of pillar
Misconception that you need to be like atlas carrying burden
Just manifest your potential to serve, thats all!!
Material nature is increasingly complex in layers
As you go deep in engagement, the complexity increases - to deal and to get out
The anxiety, fear in the backend, its always there when we deal with material nature
Find your place in divine service!! this is the deal
Climb back into simplicity, yes true you need to climb up and come to the surface of simplicity
Money makes one lose all loved ones, the affection
Obsession for matter is really crazy and leads to destruction
Better to take our original place as part of one supreme and resume life of blissful action
What you say?
The potential is always waiting
To unleash our eternal potential is goal of life
To forget the promise and potential in material realm
By repeated hearing i mean
yaj jñātvā na punar moham evaṁ yāsyasi pāṇḍava
yena bhūtānyaśheṣheṇa drakṣhyasyātmanyatho mayi