Sunday musings
There are obstacles for every individual plan
thats why we need to take shelter of Lord Ganesh
Assume Vighnas just like one assumes risk and issues in any project
Lord Ganesh gives intelligence to resolve Vighnas
Things which make too much noise, action will be meagre
Dont get afraid by the noise;
People invent various ways to extract money
Inner bliss is tough business to achieve
the servitude, the submission to guru
The 4 ways of dealing with aatatayis, aggressors
Kautilya mentioned four Upayas - Sama, Dana or Dama, Danda and Bheda as ways to reach a solution in state politics to avoid conflicts and war situations.[2] This phrase is also commonly used when you need to find a solution to a problem anyhow.
1. Sama, the first step, means conciliation or alliances. When the situation of conflict arises between states, the firsts step is to talk.
2. Dana, the second, means gifts or compensation. Sometimes it is referred to as Dama, price, it means to pay the value.
3. Bheda, refers to usage of Logic or Trickery, influence the mind.
4. Danda refers to force or armaments. To take up war with the opposite state.
Life is not as what we think
Spiritual elevation requires a completely different life style
Present times are not conducive for tapasya to the extent needed
Holy names are the only resort......
When we refer to the body, we include the external gross body with its various limbs, as well as the mind, intelligence and ego. In old age these all become weak when they are attacked by different diseases. The proprietor of the body, the living soul, becomes very sad at not being able to use the field of activities properly. In Bhagavad-gītā it is clearly explained that the living entity is the proprietor of this body (kṣetra jña) and that the body is the field of activities (kṣetra). When a field is overgrown with thorns and weeds, it becomes very difficult for the owner to work it. That is the position of the spirit soul when the body itself becomes a burden due to disease. Extra burdens are placed on the body in the form of anxiety and general deterioration of the bodily functions.
When every one learns self defense and offense, society can be peaceful
Basic kshatriya techniques to be trained
Protagonist, antagonist, obstacle, the defeat and the victory - this is what stories about
Even harikatha can be viewed from that angle
There is immense antagonism when one wants to tread escape spirituality
What is this material nature? AND what are we doing here?
Tussle generation gap ideological gap between parents and children
Stop being anything truly in terms of material designations
These are just temporary roles with scripts written somewhere else
Just do the role, let not the emotions synch inside
Just always have only muraliwala in the heart
Treat everyone as living entities....amsa;s of parabhrahma, thats it
Siblings rub off, cry bonding stability
If you take your role by heart its a topsy turvy ride
dont exist for yourself, i dont exist, but for him
Read the plots, people around are scheming, thats life
Its a prison to have passion for sense projects;
Its freedom to lose interest in the world
But there has to be interest in shelter of supreme consciousness, all pervading
Ratna Garbho, Dhaneswarah
Prahlad his faith, father is the antagonist and how Prahlad overcomes obstacle