June musings

 Udeerna - paripoorna - completely full being, poornaprajna

This feeling of fullness is very rare

In this world everywhere is feeling of lacking, abhaava

Abhaava means wanting something, discontent, in scarcity

Opposite is feeling fullness, content, no worries about future, just flowing like a river towards ocean

Guardian is taking care of everything, why the burden, responsibility

Why the avishwaas? this lack of faith in guardian is spoiling everything

This is leading to stress pressure etc....

Surrender and again become a child in aangan of God

Feel experience the inner completeness, the paripoornata

Why the paripoorna is searching with all eyes for his sakti? Hladini sakti

Sarvatacakshu - everywhere are his eyes

The eye of completeness of viswatma is seeing everything. If we start assuming his eyes are there then our heart will start getting filled with contentment, fulfilment. The eyes are seeing and recording everything. The eye of big boss. Seeing also means hearing. It is simultaneous, because angani yasya sakalendriya vrtti maanti

We should not understand the process of impregnation by the Personality of Godhead in terms of our conception of sex. The omnipotent Lord can impregnate just by His eyes, and therefore He is called all-potent. Each and every part of His transcendental body can perform each and every function of the other parts. This is confirmed in the Brahma-saṁhitā (5.32): aṅgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛttimanti. In Bhagavad-gītā (14.3) also, the same principle is confirmed: mama yonir mahad-brahma tasmin garbhaṁ dadhāmy aham. When the cosmic creation is manifested, the living entities are directly supplied from the Lord; they are never products of material nature.

Being a part of supreme self, one is under constant supervision. Submit to this constant supervision and be liberated. Isnt it strange? One has to submit to be free....when a child submits to Guardians, it plays freely without stress, pressure. 

Some lines need to be crossed for universal good? Rama didnt but Sita did it. That is the mercy of Sakti Sri Radha.........


Something always controls us, this is nature, some principle is always controlling, isnt it.....but there is entity without upper floor iswara, another controller imposing boundaries. Isvara parama krishna, the one without iswara, aneesha, is parama iswara. Aneesha is controlled by love. Love Rasa dominates in the zone of Aneesha. Love controlls the uncontroller.  

Saashvata Sthirah

the eternal permanent principle, the stable principle

Eternal principle is covered on the outermost layer with illusory curtain of uncontrolled rampage

Bhooshaya Bhushana Bhutih


Grief sprouts naturally in this world. Grief is a matter feeling generated based on memory/data stored in mind. These attributes which generate the feleing of I is the main culprit. Its wrong illusory feeling of I and mine. Brush aside this data; reformat this data. Grief is linked to data. This data cleansing can happen only by mantra - Ceto Darpana marjanam. A new set of attributes arise by ekadasha bhava. What exists is to serve learn and satisfy the ekaatma.

Shoka naashanah

Nama is shoka naashanah. 


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