Saturday musings

Love needs obstacles and misunderstanding to increase, this is its nature

Retain wealth status at any cost, this is life

Life will not be same, Lakshmi is cancala without Narayana

Variation of wealth status, consolidation becomes a mess, takes away mental energy

Best is to become insignificant and get lost in anantatma

The ekatma one being really owns....this dream of ownership we have go into

Really fed up with imitation disease of ekatma; its a mental disease

Come out of achieving, proving anything

Just connect to flow of swadharma which is a stream flowing towards infinite

Existing in this world is a burden

People play games; Games is only way to move up in this illusory world

Nothing is real; ownership is illusion - happiness in unreality, independence

return to the fold of one being; This obsession with sense objects primarily opp sex

Ajo - unborn; we all have unborn state, an unborn element the true self inside us which is dormant, lost due to impure awareness and consciousness. This can be recovered by worshipping the supremely worshippable akhilatma. The akhilatma is available in sound form

Maharha - the best of worshippable is Sri krishna, Vishnu, Narayana....the best way to worship the most worshippable is chant and hear his holy names....its the akshara aakara which is most important....meditate on akshara rupa, vibrate the akshara with service attitude and hear the sound of the aksharaa with gratitude in mind to akshara aakara for accesability, for comparrion, mercy etc.....

Svabhavyo - by staying true to ones nature one can become worshippable. Detect, activate, flow with kinetics with service spirit. Activate ones unique skill only possible by kripa drshti of Vishnu.

Jitamitra - win over internal and external enemies. External enemies make obstacle vighna to flow towards ananta

One can become really blissful pramodanah by situating in svabhava true nature and destroying inner demons (Anando, Nandano, Nanda)

Satya dharma - Siddha deha with eternal function is amazing

Trivikrama - the manjari bhava wins over trivikrama

Satya dharma has the capability to win over Trivikrama

Bulgaria, trust is foundation of relationships

Plots and mental games vs simplicity, straight forwardness

Loneliness and ekanta are not the same

When one is ekanta, one is with ekatma in sound form

Constantly living in shelter of holy name with service spirit

See the world as though eye is the camera.....there is a script by yogamaya

When you get directors vision, one gets out of emotion of the scene

Scene - background, costume, dialogue, emotion, music to emphasize emotion



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