weekend musings
There is nothing modern about love
Love is an attraction hence karshna energy....Hence god of love is Krishna
The basic prncipal findamental attraction is karshna and that is due to krishna being expanded into unlimited beings
Wow!! its exciting, we are all one family, can have fun together by realizing Kaarshnatva
Each being is multi layered
Outer layers are bahir artha maanina
The internal layers are self satisfied, one family entity
How to drill down into oneself?
Fusing is yoga; fusing 2 entities
The world is not about achievements but love Prema Bhakti
The creator has expanded and woven thread of love everywhere
Spirituality is on believing in university of love, the omnipresence of love
Love is all pervading originating the the all pervading diety Vishnu
Localised specifity of love is due to narrow conditioning
One needs to liberate ones love by spiritual practices
Josh/Emma/Andy - headoff - accent - 100 bucks
Harvard - self made edgy, common man, Emma
Moving, talking, building relation
Natural Kaarshnate,
Home, Mom,
slow recovery, people, ill will, hope, month ago, caring