Anartha upashamana
Prick people using tongue, identifying defects
Why do we want to feel superior? The rasa of feeling superior to other co living entities
Mada pumaan - Janma, Aishwarya, sruta, sribhih
edhamāna-madaḥ pumān
naivārhaty abhidhātuṁ vai
tvām akiñcana-gocaram
My Lord, Your Lordship can easily be approached, but only by those who are materially exhausted. One who is on the path of [material] progress, trying to improve himself with respectable parentage, great opulence, high education and bodily beauty, cannot approach You with sincere feeling.
Superiority over others gives a temporary satisfaction but later creates lot of miseries. This lacks the vision of one entity.....bhajatva ekatvam should do yoga situated in oneness, the one ekatma governing everything.
Mahaprabhu recommended to feel lower than blade of grass, give respect to all others without expecting any from others.
Amanina maanadena, trnad api sunicena
Love, cheating, desperation for marriage, for yoga for union
Self doesnt need anything, its called anartha unwanted by sastra
Most of our needs are anartha.....whole economy is driven by anartha