Lotus and Guru is related
Lotus is very much related to yoga and Guru
Why is it so?
The flower is beautiful and everything in vedas is always compared to a lotus
Lotus feet and Lotus mouth are the 2 most prominent of Sri Guru
The sabda brahma or spiritual living sound emanates from Gurus lotus mouth
Yes i reiterate that it is living sound
Living sound which has a personality
Which has action post reception
It works its magic once it enters the ear into consciousness
Some heart association 'chitta' with the sabda brahma
The most valuable gift from Sri Guru is sabda brahman......
recieve it, assimilate it, absorb it, and you are sure to manufacture ecstacy from sound
Have you heard of manufacturing ecstacy by processing sound?
Thats Guru purnima folks
One having near death experience gets new realizations on life, values life
The fact that whatever one does one has to leave behind
Its how one has done in life is more important than what he has done
Doing in a lovely way causing bliss to all related, connected - thats the way of doing things
How one has done is the accumulation of merit....amount of love to creation and living entities
One needs to have right vision first and then service love begins
Do we understand this cross over? the need for this
How can one be passionate about things which will snatched and destroyed by kaala?
Sort of foolishness.....
Gu + Ru -> Ru is always light, effulgence, truth / Gu is darkness
The compound word of contrasts is GuRu