Vaisvanara agni
The lords entry into our body as digestive fire, acknowledging his presence inside us as digestive fire; expressing gratitude for the same are all elements of bhakti. The fire joins hands with panca prana to digest 4 kinds of food stuff - suck, lick, chew, drunk World is meant for purification. he is helping so that we can reach him, integrate to him and forget our individuality Transcendental consciousness comes when we totally belong to him Mind should always operate in extension of god mode and not in ahankara mode Achieving anything is in the mode of ahankaara; Just be as part of tat vastu and wait to do; till then chant Just be aware as extension of tat vastu - this is called atma nivedana with sense of propreitorship of anything The fire is engaged with air to digest.....samayuktah....with a nice yoga between agni and prana, the paacan kriya happens ahaṁ vaiśvānaro bhūtvā prāṇināṁ deham āśritaḥ prāṇāpāna-samāyuktaḥ pacāmy annaṁ catur-vidham I am the fire of digestion in the bodi...