Blind to self realisation
The endeavoring transcendentalists who are situated in self-realization can see all this clearly. But those whose minds are not developed and who are not situated in self-realization cannot see what is taking place, though they may try.
paśyanty ātmany avasthitam
yatanto ’py akṛtātmāno
nainaṁ paśyanty acetasaḥ
yatantaḥ — endeavoring; yoginaḥ — transcendentalists; ca — also; enam — this; paśyanti — can see; ātmani — in the self; avasthitam — situated; yatantaḥ — endeavoring; api — although; akṛta-ātmānaḥ — those without self-realization; na — do not; enam — this; paśyanti — see; acetasaḥ — having undeveloped minds.
akrta atmana - what do they have? they have acetasah means undeveloped minds...what they cannot see? they cannot see backend spirit transfer during change of body? who can see this - atmany avasthitam yatanto yogi......acetasah cannot see the spiritual fragment of the divine
There are many transcendentalists on the path of spiritual self-realization, but one who is not situated in self-realization cannot see how things are changing in the body of the living entity
What is transcend? to rise above or go beyond the normal limits of (something) rising above the limits and go beyond the spell of material nature. Only when a person has transcended can one see the internal working in this world of the transaction of spiritual fragment.
The word yoginaḥ is significant in this connection. In the present day there are many so-called yogīs, and there are many so-called associations of yogīs, but they are actually blind in the matter of self-realization.
Blind means -> unable or unwilling to discern or judge; blind to a lover's faults
unwillingness even though human life is there; not giving priority to transcendence being busy in business of the body
having no regard to rational discrimination, guidance, or restrictionblind choiceOr end up blindly in some path without rationality and get cheated
They are simply addicted to some sort of gymnastic exercise and are satisfied if the body is well built and healthy. They have no other information. They are called yatanto ’py akṛtātmānaḥ.Even though they are endeavoring in a so-called yoga system, they are not self-realized. Such people cannot understand the process of the transmigration of the soul.
Only those who are actually in the yoga system and have realized the self, the world and the Supreme Lord – in other words, the bhakti-yogīs, those engaged in pure devotional service in Kṛṣṇa consciousness – can understand how things are taking place.