air carries aromas

 The living entity in the material world carries his different conceptions of life from one body to another, as the air carries aromas. Thus he takes one kind of body and again quits it to take another.

śarīraṁ yad avāpnoti
yac cāpy utkrāmatīśvaraḥ
gṛhītvaitāni saṁyāti
vāyur gandhān ivāśayāt

śarīram — the body; yat — as; avāpnoti — gets; yat — as; ca api — also; utkrāmati — gives up; īśvaraḥ — the lord of the body; gṛhītvā — taking; etāni — all these; saṁyāti — goes away; vāyuḥ — the air; gandhān — smells; iva — like; āśayāt — from their source.

Avapnoti(gets)-grhitva(Accepts, taking) and utkraamati(gives up)-samyaati(goes away)

Givesup and goes away; doesnt stay there only

offered and one accepts

There are 4 processes which are happening here

Grhitva and samyati - taking the aroma and leaving that aroma - moving on; independence is there for this; selection of future body; hence the word iswara is used

sareera isvara - owner of the body takes on leaves and takes on - moving from one body to another

aroma is emanating from objects and the air is broadcasting it by caryying it a distance

Conceptions are emanating from people and things we associate; kaaranat guna sangasya

Mahat purush aroma is what we want; when we associate with it higher potential dawns; a spiritual conception of life develops

For food and other material objects it is called aroma but for living person it is called aura.....auras impact influence conception

Air carries aromas....aroma of substances of food are carried by air. It is spread to a certain circumference and then it tapers down, the intensity of smell. Lke a wave dies down, the aroma wave dies down gradually in intensity. 

Living entity is like the soul

The conceptions of life is like the soul

The soul is carrying conceptions of life

conception means - what is life meant for? what one should achieve and its ambition

based on knowledge obtained and association, the conception develops

Body is granted based on the conception

Its the association of air with aroma that it makes it to carry a distance; Its the association with conception that makes living entity embrace a particular body for sometime

Conceptions get architected in subconscious like samskara

Here the living entity is described as īśvara, the controller of his own body. 

If he likes, he can change his body to a higher grade, and if he likes he can move to a lower class. Minute independence is there. The change his body undergoes depends upon him

Liking and independence is related; change and move are verbs; higher grade and lower class are categories; 

At the time of death, the consciousness he has created will carry him on to the next type of body. If he has made his consciousness like that of a cat or dog, he is sure to change to a cat’s or dog’s body

what kind of awareness of external world and internal world the person has created. Knowledge and discussions architect consciousness. Deep consciousness leads to world view

nd if he has fixed his consciousness on godly qualities, he will change into the form of a demigod. And if he is in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he will be transferred to Kṛṣṇaloka in the spiritual world and will associate with Kṛṣṇa

It is a false claim that after the annihilation of this body everything is finished

Conceptions' developed in consciousness are not annihilated. The aura of consciosuness is carried even after annhilation of body which decides the next body. The aura decides the next body.

The individual soul is transmigrating from one body to another, and his present body and present activities are the background of his next body

the present activities and conceptions are background for next body. 

 One gets a different body according to karma, and he has to quit this body in due course.

getting and quitting; Karma means activities and conceptions. due course means over a period of time; this body quitting process is ongoing; everybody is seeing due to various reasons - old age or disease or accident etc.....

It is stated here that the subtle body, which carries the conception of the next body, develops another body in the next life. 

Subtle body; acceptance of state of life is important; one cannot change, just acceptance leads to peace; iam like this and my environment is like this; from this acceptance try to change spiritual destiny thru devotional service

Subtle body absorbs the scent or aura; aggregation of aura absorption forms samskara

Activities and association both architect ones samskara

Subject: subtle body - what does it do? carries conception of life to next body; also develops next body, next environment

This process of transmigrating from one body to another and struggling while in the body is called karṣati, or struggle for existence.

2 things - transmigration and struggle in present body - together is called Karsati; 


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